12 months ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Hey there, folks!

We would like to react on posts showing custom graphs and data from a third party source about World of Warships players. We appreciate the effort you put into making them, but we need to point out that the data is either incomplete or incorrect and doesn't quite match up with what's really going on in the game.

So, we took this opportunity to share some data first hand to give you a better idea of what's happening with the player population trends. The data provides a general overview to give you a better understanding.

For explanation, Monthly Active User (MAU) is a player that played at least 1 battle in last 30 days.

Just like any other online game, player populations can fluctuate over time due to various factors like new releases, seasonal patterns, and even the ever-changing interests of players. Notice those spikes we see in the winter and the slightly lower numbers during the summer? And let's not forget that notable jump in 2020, which we can attribute to the circumstances around COVID.

We are happy to see that some of you share the enthusiasm related to the data of different aspects of the game, just like our team.

But let's not get too caught up in the numbers and remember what makes this game so unique - commanding massive warships and being part of this awesome community.

Smooth sailing and good luck out there, fellow captains!

12 months ago - Ahskance - Direct link

For explanation, Monthly Active User (MAU) is a player that played at least 1 battle in last 30 days.

Data is not something that companies share lightly, so we have not included the specific numbers of our Monthly Active Users. However, the graph still shows that the amount of players connecting with our game each month is constant or increasing which is valuable information.

12 months ago - Ahskance - Direct link

It's just the raw number of players that play one battle or more during the month.

12 months ago - Ahskance - Direct link

It is linear. It's just the raw number of people which meet the MAU condition (at least 1 battle during the month).

12 months ago - Ahskance - Direct link

MAU (Monthly Active Users) is one of our primary tracked stats. It directly shows if people have the game downloaded and log-in to interact with it. It's a very important metric in terms of game health and stability.

Free-to-Play games have Churn, which is an inevitable as gravity because people move to other products/experiences over time, but charting the continued interaction from new and old players in a clear "Do people log in and play the game?" is a way to know about the continued interest in the product.

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