about 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

You shouldn't feel overly threatened by submarine torpedoes in a battleship. Their homing ability stops at a far distant away from the ship, so there really does tend to be a lot you can do to mitigate outside of being caught flat-footed and broadside.

I made a video a long time back which explains the mechanics the homing torps use.

Direct Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1hL9yioEF0

about 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Please drop me the replay so I can check it out and see if there was anything that could have been done.

about 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Yes, most of all of my videos were just clipped explanations from my live stream. You may have caught it being recorded live, though I did start recording replay reviews offline more recently as I don't stream nearly as much anymore.


1) Juking Torps is nearly the exact same concept as Shell Juking. You fake a direction/heading you'll be at, then bait a shot and alter your course/speed. For homing torps, you bait a direction until they are about to lose homing/have lost homing and then deviate. It's literally the same concept.

I have a video on shell juking I can list. I'll do that at the end of the post.

2) You're basically describing a crossfire or a multi-threat situation. It's extremely dangerous to deal with crossfires as you will show more of a target to one enemy or the other. Worse if you have a citadel that can get you crushed (IE: not in a DD). Always worth remembering that you are only a single player and are not expected to win 2v1s or other situations where you are outnumbered.

You can shell and torp juke while just moving forward/backward, so it's not that 90 degree turns are required. The less room you have to maneuver will mean your maneuvers are less likely to be effective, though.


Direct Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwWOxYn59JA