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over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Can you help me understand what you mean? The Scenarios /= Co-Op part?

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Yes, I'm aware of these points. I just wasn't sure what the message meant.

"Achievements in Co-op is good, but a bit late to the table (and @Ahskance, Scenarios do not equal Co-op!)"

I'm excited the Achievements are going to be added to Co-Op. We recorded Waterline a while ago, so it was hard to not let the cat out of the bag when Achievements were being requested recently.

I didn't quite understand where the bit about Operations fit in, though maybe that was a callback to the Combat Mission chain that had Operations added as a work-around to provide an Achievement path via PvE means.

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Probably better to tag in @Legionnareor @Boggzywhen getting into the nitty-gritty about historical aspects of ships. They are far more knowledgeable on the topic than I am.

over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

We can pass your feedback to the developers

I understand what you mean, but "What the game needs" is a tough question. Kearsarge is a lot of fun and has not shown itself to be overpowered, so it isn't a reason NOT to add the line.

You may not like it, but submarines are at the best state they have been in to this point in terms of game effect and the ability to counter-play against them. Overall speeds were lowered, visuals were re-added to pings, and ASW strikes are being made more consistent across the board to make it easier for people to play against them.

With regards to fifty 152's being needed to sink a Tier 10 - that's basically 5 volleys from a Wooster. That takes very little time and doesn't account for other ASW, which can be used at the same time. Tying an arbitrary number of shots to securing a kill isn't how it works for any other ship type, so why apply that logic here? You are doing splash damage - so the shots are going to be inconsistent by definition.

Also, we are adding new ribbons to show when you get a glancing blow on a Submarine vs. a solid hit with depth charges to make it more clear when you're doing serious damage and when you're basically breaking modules.

over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

I heartily commend your knowledge of Naval Aviation history. You've pulled out two beautiful monstrosities

I am actually not sure what planes will be included on each hybrid. Believe it or not, I hadn't seen the full designs for either when I was recording the video, so it was news to me.

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Yes, I made this thread on August 19th to describe that situation and inform players about the problem.


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