over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

So, this is event is a bit different in its construction. It's not "the main event of the patch" in that the Dockyard and finishing the Novorossiysk is. Also there are Clan Battles going on.

This was a side-event that was created to drive website engagement. As a fun, "but wait, there's more!" there's also a raffle associated with completing an Ornament mission, and a super prize the whoever wanted to try-hard the hardest and getting the biggest goal for an Ornament.

Regions were allowed to opt-in, and we did. Specifically we knew there could be concerns about players wanting to COMPLETE ALL THE THINGS! Some Ornaments were dialed back to more achieveable metric because of this.

While 1k BaseXP is doable in a Co-Op Battle, it's a rare event. This bar wasn't set for Xo-Op compatibility, however, but more of a polite challenge to achieve to get a small reward. While there are some PvE focused players, achieving 1k Base XP in a Random Battle is quite achievable on win, so it's a very doable alternative as there's no pressure to when or how quickly it can happen. The 1k Base XP in Naval Battles is frustrating in that attempts are limited, whereas this is not limited at all.

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Update on December 18th, 2021:


We have received a lot of feedback from you about the Captain’s Holiday tree, and we would like to inform you that from today, combat missions will be available in the game client, which will allow you to track the progress of the event tasks. This applies to regular, non-competitive, tasks.

We apologize for not doing this earlier. We hope that this step will help you with tracking the completion of tasks and receiving rewards.

Separately, we want to note that if you completed the tasks before the launch of the combat missions in the game client, then this progress will also be taken into account, and you will receive rewards for it no later than January 14.

Happy New Year!


What does this mean?

All available "Rewards" from doing the basic completion have been added into the game as Combat Missions. The status won't be update on the "Tree Website Page", but you'll be able to see the mission in the game and complete it as normal. So you can get the basic stuff faster~

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Yeah, I logged in earlier and they appeared in my Combat Missions tab. Several were already showing as done.

I still have two or three not completed. The 2m Potential Damage and the 3 Cap/Cap Assists in a single match are still unfinished for me.

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

I realize there are folks that will see it as that, but it's not.

This was something created for another Region and the NA Region was allowed to opt in to the event. We did, as more stuff is better than less stuff~


The only accomodation I can imagine that you're looking for is that every mission be labeled as an "Or"-style mission so that Co-Op targets can be specifically lower. If ALL missions were natively designed around Co-Op earnings expectations, then every Random/Ranked player will simply achieve them on a loss without trying. Co-Op's rewards are not high as the experience is relaxed, formulaic, and very quick.

Please understand that "Or" missions are still fairly new to the game, and Inertia is a thing. Someone created an event and made things the way they've made them for years, which assumes 1k Base XP to be very attainable in general. It is, as Random Battles will commonly hit that mark on a win.