Ok, maybe I'm seeing the disconnect. I'll try to put this in a picture format.
This is an off-the-cuff picture to represent strengths and weaknesses:
This is also similar in concept to port "Stats" where Survivability, Artillery, AA, and others are given a catch-all Number for an at-a-glance idea of the power for each category. Experienced players will known there's a lot more then just the number, but it's useful for explanation purposes.
According to the Power Budget picture above, we can deduce that her Secondaries, Maneuverability, and Special Threat capabilities are all low. She can't overmatch other battleships and even some cruisers depending on who she faces. These are all intended to be weak points and are supposed to create a "Deficit". This allows room to accentuate her Health, her Armor, and her long-ranged Threat.
Ideally, a player in this ship would only ever have to play Mid-Long range as that's where she excels. However, we have an attrition-based game and teammates get sunk, so she may absolutely be stuck in a position where she's pulling duty she's not really designed for. She may be able to do it, but it doesn't mean she's made to excel at it.
If we give her a faster reload, we make an already capable long-range threat situation even stronger. Does she need that? Maybe. Currently she seems to be working with an over 50% win rate, though not by much.
If we give her a better turret traverse that makes her close-range threat stronger. Does she need that? Maybe. Currently she seems to be working with an over 50% win rate, though not be much.
It's not about the fact that she'll still have poor speed, lackluster secondaries, or any of the other weaknesses that she was built with. It's about why she needs larger strengths? You say she needs them because she honestly feels lackluster. TOO lackluster. So it's not a performance issue so much as a feel issue, which is absolutely relevant.
Still though, if we give her +12% more damage and +33% more turret traverse, then you'd have to see significant things disappear from her at the same time because currently she's in the middle of the pack. It's possible that her being there means that all Tier 7 in general are in a rough spot, or it means she's correctly tuned to "Feels great, but also feels bad" levels of "Is this the right tool for the job? or do I pick [other ship] instead?"
Also, Goodnight!