about 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Hello, Captains!

A new DevBlog has been posted here: https://blog.worldofwarships.com/blog/310

Please leave any feedback you have here <3

Thank you!

about 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Those guns will primarily be helpful at dealing with Bombers which fly over the ship. Torpedoes and Rockets will be lightly effected when attacking her.

She can body-block for teammates by presenting a barrier between least-time approaches, though. A CV won't want to fly over her willingly to get to a target.

about 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

RU CVs and Immelman are broadside attack CVs. Essentially, they siege down a ship from range.

You can use islands and teammates to block your broadside, or use some basic maneuvering to flash a broadside to the planes on a least-time vector and then turn it away as the attack is still prepping. Also, you can show your "open" broadside to a direction that requires longer flights and maneuvering by the CV to find which can reduce its DPM and frustrate its ability to impact.

about 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

There are a fair amount of ships that I'm willing to accept flying over to get a high priority target. Destroyers mainly, but lower-tier non-AA ships can often fit that description as well.

It's very different when it means losing 2+ planes for free just to lose planes to the thing you're actually attacking as well. That's a genuine deterrent.

about 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

I don't really see how the two are related.

1) Random Battles are Random to allow people to play the game. The skill and play of the game will vary wildly, so variety will be maintained.

A player will not find themselves locked away from winning because they've won many battles and hit a Skill-Based Matchmaking Wall that stops them outside of try-hard, heavy-effort play.

2) There are tactics players can use in the game. You can bait shells and attention away from teammates. Also, you can bait CV attention as well.

If you feel the need to protect a teammate, you can move yourself to draw attention from enemy ships or place yourself on a likely flight path to interdict a CV's attempt to strike an ally.

about 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

I understand your intention here, but our game isn't like a standard MMO where your character levels up permanently.

We design each Tier of our game to be a functional game. So if a player gets to Tier 10, but prefers the slower pace and closer ranges of Tier 6, there's a fully formed game there to play as long as they like. There's no real requirement or reason to go to a higher tier in any sense other than Tier 5+ for Daily Combat Missions and Events. Some people have thousands upon thousands of Tier 1 matches, for instance.


There are plenty of gamers which will always gravitate to the biggest, highest option that has the biggest, fastest game experience. For people that want damage numbers, that will be Tier 10 as the highest tier in our game. But for those that just enjoy the game itself, the experience is quite customizable in the sense of just picking the flavor you like most.

about 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

The PTS tests the process of building it. The ship is not available to play except on the Live Server.

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