about 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Sprint 1 is over and players requested the counter be reset between Sprints during the Easter Egg event earlier in the year. The tokens were removed to allow Sprint 2 to be a fresh start.


Reward crediting takes a few days. There has to be a data pull to grab the end-information for all the participants, then an internal distribution process has to be undertaken to get all of the rewards credited. A lot of it is done by hand when we do these portal-article events, so it takes some time.

It's Friday and the EU office is the one spearheading this event. It's likely rewards won't arrive until early next week as folks are out of the office already (it's 7:30pm over there).

about 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

The Currency will remain as it is until the next event that needs to use it. When the event starts, the Web-Event currency will be set to 0 to start anew.