almost 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

We had today off due to President's Day.

In the efforts of avoiding a public lynch mob, Direct Messaging the Ticket numbers for egregious things is the best way.

I'd like to see if we can release some statistics on the work that Customer Support does, but that is an entire project of researching, data pulling, and more.

almost 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Hi, guys -
So, a couple things here... as satisfying as a bloodthirsty mob is, we want to make sure that is not how this sort of thing goes. Granted, a SPA ID number is hardly naming and shaming, but it's also still an identifier that someone can find if they are inclined.

We had President's Day off (Monday), so please understand we take days off too.

The correct procedure for handling someone that clearly violates EULA in-game is to write a CS ticket with screenshots / replays and then PM either ahskance or myself if you would like to go a step further. While we cannot discuss exactly what happens after that, I can assure you that both Ahskance and myself have taken very seriously dealing with the most egregious and notorious figures that ruin the game experience for everyone. I am pleased already with what we've managed to accomplish, but the results are not something we may share, as satisfying as it may be to many of you.

So no witch-hunts, no lynch-mobs, and please do continue to write CS tickets, PM us, and act like the heroes we know you all are!

almost 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Trust me when I say that we'd love to share with you the actions we take on removing people from game who's sole desire is to ruin a match for everyone - but we can't and we won't.

almost 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Again, I cannot share with you the exact actions we're taking to remove griefers.

So let's just have a little faith, then eh?

almost 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

NA has a new CM team.

almost 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Boggzy and I come from the Community. Literally. So please know that we're aware of the frustrations involved with seeing the same old faces doing the same old things.

I've been pushing to get awareness around Customer Support Tickets and I will continue to do so. The Tickets people have been sending in over the past few weeks have helped us make some very positive changes. We need people to continue to provide Customer Support with Tickets and Replays so that we can address the stuff as it happens. When it's really egregious, please also send us the Ticket#.


I don't have any big official updates to give, but I can say that I've been very excited to be able to be a force for positive change <3

almost 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

No, people should submit Customer Support Tickets for when people break the rules. When rule breaks happen, C.S. can take action against the player's rulebreaking.

almost 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

In general, we do expect good sportsmanship to be present in our game. As to your question, it's addressed by rule 5.08.

almost 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Again - the single most important thing you all can do is submit a CS ticket when someone is griefing.

Submitting a ticket on a player who is just bad at the game will not result in anything. Being bad is not a crime, despite what some loud voices may say .

Actual griefing (running to the corner, self-killing, revealing allied positions) absolutely will result in sanctions, but you folks HAVE to submit tickets.

almost 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

This is why Replays are required for the disciplinary process. Experienced players can determine if what a player did was intentional or not.

There are cases where some players are simply new or play poorly. These are both fairly easy to spot as compared to someone doing something deliberate.