about 5 years ago - Gneisenau013 - Direct link

Ahoy Fleet!

Let us know your thoughts and feedback for the following items on Public Test 0.8.11:

The Dockyard

New Years Celebration/Snowflakes

Captain's Logbook

Ranked Sprint

For creepy crawly bugs, report there here!


about 5 years ago - Gneisenau013 - Direct link

Yup found that out myself.

about 5 years ago - Gneisenau013 - Direct link

Thank you sir! Couldn't have said it better myself!


about 5 years ago - Gneisenau013 - Direct link

Was there a particular screen or part of the PT that caused a decrease in performance?

about 5 years ago - Gneisenau013 - Direct link

Hmmm, shoot me a WGCheck via PM and I'll see if I can have it looked at.

about 5 years ago - Umbaretz - Direct link

I't s right there in the PT article:

about 5 years ago - Umbaretz - Direct link

You win if you have more points when being mutually rammed.