Thanks for your patience, dude. We had to go over the issue and see where it went wrong and why, then come up with a solution and decide how best to do it.
We've decided to choose a second winner with the same prizes as the previous. We read through the sentiment that the initial winner may have somewhat copied their submission from elsewhere, then we had a discussion about whether or not we made it clear enough what an "original submission" even means, then realized that this is exactly why bills and laws that go to Congress are a thousand pages long.
So we're going to vote internally on a winner amongst the NA staff and present you with our votes and why we chose them so you all can see how each of us determines what we like most! The submission that receives the most votes from the staff will be selected as the winner and receive the prizes. I will make a special post in this sub-forum to highlight that winner!
We appreciate the fact that this was irritating to many of you on multiple levels. Further, it happened while we were on vacation so we couldn't address it properly until we got back into the office.
Thanks for bringing it up, thanks for being patient, and most of all thank you to every single participant who submitted their artwork!