over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Is there a reason you specifically want non-freely earnable ships at those lower tiers?

over 2 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

In all fairness, at least175 of them were made. Many got solid historical reputations and make for fun additions to the game.

Agincourt is one of my favorite low-tier Premiums, for sure. I also enjoy Mikasa and K. Albert

But I take your point. The lack of modification choices at low tier also means that low-tier premiums inherently have fewer customizable options. Even tier 4's only get 2 slots for modifications. No radar, no hydro, no DFAA... all these things mean that low-tier ships tend to play more or less the same - which is a GOOD thing when the low tiers are intended to introduce you to and familiarize you with the mechanics of the game.

But we will add it to our feedback: MOAR LOW TIER PREMIUMS!!

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