about 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Before this topic goes any further - let me make something explicitly clear:
Any comments that are not within the guidelines of the Forum will be removed and you will be warned. Keep it classy, people. I know that Sub_O was a divisive figure for many of you, but that is not license to break forum rules.

about 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

The Executive Producer makes some decisions, but not to the degree that many of you are suggesting.

He laid out quite clearly what his job entailed and where he feels like he failed. He did not have to do that.
I encourage you all to be more constructive and raise the level of this conversation.
If I have to remove another comment suggesting prison-rape I will absolutely lock this thread.

about 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Hello folks, I want to try and shed some light on what Sub_Octavian did and didn't do.

Sub_Octavian headed up a team which we call GPI (Global Player Interaction). Their job is... to act like the nerve center of our company. They connect all the different limbs together by passing messages and information. While yes, emails and meetings can do that, our structure allows us to have a section of the company which keeps its finger on the pulse at all times.

As such, what he did was incredibly important, but there really were several aspects of situations which weren't his ideas or the product of his personal desires/vision.

We (the community management teams) communicate your Feedback to GPI and then they convey it to the Development Designers (coders and gameplay designers). When we have particularly pointed or specific feedback that can help our designers to isolate and correct issues. That's not always the case, though... even situations where something needed attention such as the Zao, FDR, and the Petro. It cannot be stressed enough how extremely busy everyone is, so finding the time to slip in design efforts here and there are remarkably tough. GPI does a herculean effort to keep all the limbs informed.

Sub_Octavian did point out situations where he felt he could have done better. Please understand that under the workload that we go through, everyone can and will make mistakes. We do the best we can to avoid them, but high pressure positions are High Pressure Positions. Please at least try to keep this in mind.


There is no requirement to admire our employees or to agree with things you actively disliked, but please keep this conversation civil. Employees are people too and people must be respected on this forum.

about 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Points for humor!

about 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

I don't know what numbers you're looking at, but the numbers I see disagree with this statement.
The game is healthy and is indeed growing

about 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Watch the politics, guys. There's no reasonable need to be talking about Iraq here.

about 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Guns are generally OK to discuss to some degree. The game is literally about floating platforms for guns after all...

We only remove posts that violate forum rules, @xamdam

about 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Sorry if we misunderstood the "Baghdad Bob" meme, fellas. I'm 36 so I'm not a Zoomer or a Boomer. I think my age range is just called "a mistake".

about 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

I got the reference, the problem is regarding Thread Derails.

The posts drifted into discussing a war and the merit or lack thereof which has A) Nothing to do with our game, and B) Nothing to do with Sub_Octavian leaving.

The tricky thing with Thread Derails is when it stops being a fun meme and turns into an actual side-conversation that grows a life of its own. In short, if you want a Baghdad Bob thread, then just make a Baghdad Bob thread. The meme grew a life of its own, so it was forced out of this thread's house and told to get a job and an apartment in a different section of the forum. There was also a bizarre many-post-long argument over the timeline of the pandemic which was also clipped because it doesn't matter in this thread.

TLDR: Let the topic address the topic. If you want to talk about something else, please just make a new thread.


From a Rule Perspective, there were posts hidden because of:

Religious, political, and other sensitive discussions not related to the game;

Such topics can quickly derail and lead to massive rules violations;