almost 5 years ago - Radar_X - Direct link

I can understand your perspective, and It's unfortunate you feel this way because I'm afraid that isn't reality. Anyone working in this industry knows people enjoying games spend money and there are quite a few folks who spend a good chunk of their day every day reading player feedback. That feedback is absolutely crucial to our development and process, but it needs to be paired with data and a decision made based on both.

Folks we've definitely seen concerns today about whether we are listening. We are, always. We may not respond to everything, nor make the change you wish but the team has proven time and again it will iterate where necessary and if something doesn't work in testing ,change it. A great example of this is the plane preparation time announcement we made yesterday. This change did not perform as the team liked, and was removed from the update in lieu of different adjustments.

If you don't like something, tell us about it but give us reasons why. We're open, available, and here.

almost 5 years ago - Radar_X - Direct link

I do understand there are many folks still very unhappy with the rework and we are very much in favor of what adjustments need to be made to ensure balance. The Rework itself however was done in January and isn't going to be reverted. This doesn't mean we haven't listened to your concerns, nor aren't interested in improving your experience. Let us know where your biggest frustrations are and we're happy to review it.

almost 5 years ago - Sub_Octavian - Direct link

1. Every game nation has paper ships to fill in some tiers, and this if fine. RU BB has more of them, and still it has ships that were in service, and ships that were being built.

2. OP is an objective definition. An OP ship is a ship that can give a player of equal skill better results, comparing to other ships in the group. While the statistics for RU BB battle performance will be accumulated and settling for some time, as it happens with all new ship lines, for now there is no indication that they are OP.

3. Also RU BB shine when played aggressively, and they are rather bad at passive play. Just saying.

4. While definitely affecting DD play, I'm not sure that "CV plague" affects other classes experience so much, judging from what I see and my own games, too. Switching class/ship/tier is always a good option.

I am sorry for your bad experience and defeat chain, but it happens to everyone in every game. If you still feel like taking a break by all means take a break, as we don't want you to feel unhappy in any way. I hope you will be back and find the game more enjoyable for you in future

almost 5 years ago - Radar_X - Direct link

There is no favoritism here. The delay change was rooted in concerns about CV ability to spot early on in the game and came directly from the communities feedback. It was tested and as our dev blog mentioned, the change really didn't accomplish what we were looking for. There will be additional adjustments as needed (such as changes to AA sector fire), but it needs to be done with relative understanding to how it impacts the game as a whole.

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