about 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

For some folks Kaga is a great starter ship in Tier 8 because she has so many planes. For other folks, her long attack lines required on her Torps and Rockets mean that people just don't find the ability to strike meaningfully. Personally, I'm not a Kaga player as I crave more maneuverable planes.

As for losing 50 out of 58 battles, that's not a statistically significant number... but it isn't INsignificant either. That's likely a serious indication that something isn't working out well at all.

Basic concept in terms of "Win Rate" is:

20% of matches are Wins regardless of what you do

20% of matches are Losses regardless of what you do

60% of matches are Impacted by Your Influence

It's likely that you're not finding the ways to influence with Kaga, and you're also low-rolling on how the teams settle out. As someone else pointed out, the only person in every single match you play... is you. The best way to advance is to study your play and see where you can improve it.

I might recommend posting some Replays as there are several folks here that can review them and give pointers to help out.

about 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

There is absolutely zero truth to any ideas floated about MM targeting any particular ship or person and dispensing losses to them.
Except @Ducky_shot. I recently had a code installed specifically to make sure he sees T10's no matter what tier he plays
50 losses in 58 games is indeed nearly miraculous. I believe that, by default, any breathing person should be making at least 40% wins - so kudos to you! You have been touched by a BB-caliber angel of bad luck.
Or it is perhaps that you are not yet able to carry your weight in a match. That was me for my first few hundred battles, for sure. I suggest forming a division with someone you know is better than you, watching youtube videos, and watching streamers as well. Streamers on Twitch can be extremely helpful for learning how to go from red stats to orange, orange to yellow, and on and up the rainbow.
Hope that helps! @Tom_Voke

about 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

I literally replied on Page 1 of this thread :p

However, here's a link to a lengthy post I made on the subject:

about 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

You might be misunderstanding the example. It's not saying that 60% of every game is decided by YOU in the absolute sense. If you extrapolated, then it'd be saying 60% of every game is decided... by each and every one of your teammates at the same time. That's a lot of 60%.

The breakdown is about someone's personal Win Rate.

20% of matches are Wins regardless of what you do

20% of matches are Losses regardless of what you do

60% of matches are Impacted by Your Influence

If you break it down to a statistical sort of concept, 20% Win Rate seems to be a "Loss Floor" in that you can't can't get much lower than that even if you tried. 80% Win Rate seems to be a "Win Ceiling". So where you fall between those two points is determined by what you consistently bring to every match over thousands of games.

Are there players that have higher or lower Win Rates in ships? Sure. There are going to be extreme outliers that defy norms. There can also be situations where the number of plays isn't statistically high enough to weigh out over time.

There are divisions which break the 80% barrier more routinely, but that's not representative of a single player's contributions in a truly random matchmaker environment as it instead skews the match setup to a degree.

about 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

The best thing you can do for your play is to watch the Replay. When you take yourself out of the moment you can sit back and examine your choices, as well as the choices other people made.

Getting kills and damage is fun, but how the match plays out is often much bigger than that.


One of the things you will see during Replay Analysis is whether you had a chance to save a match or not. Sometimes, it's literally out of your control and you can see that.

As long as you are making good decisions and doing the best you can, than you did your job. Even the best players lose because this is a solo-carry style game.

about 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

There's an expression I like:

"The World's Greatest Swordsmen doesn't fear the World's 2nd Greatest Swordsmen.

The World's Greatest Swordsmen fears the World's Worst Swordsmen, because he has no idea what the dang fool will do"


There's definitely a more understandable play experience when you have knowledgeable players in the mix. That's part of why I enjoy Gold League Ranked. It might no be Clan Battles, but typically half or more of the team has a grasp of the situation and the match unfolds in an understandable way.

about 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

New Players have 200 Battles in Protected Matchmaker for Tiers 1-4. If they step outside of that zone, they'll be in normal Matchmaker, but they can also return to it when they'd like during their first 200 Battles.

That's a fair onboarding experience as there are new players and bots to work on the basics with. It's not a directed Tutorial, but it is a learning ground.

about 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

To my knowledge, it is only for the first 200 Battles on an account. Someone with more than 200 Battles would no longer have access to the Protected Queue.

It's a way to allow new players to only fight other new players or (in lieu of players) bots as long as they are playing Tier 1-4.