over 5 years ago - Umbaretz - Direct link

Hey. Sorry for the long wait.
This is a derogatory term and the player was renamed.
Upd. but I'll remove player's id from the thread to keep information personal.

We have a system that is constantly monitoring bots and cheaters and penalizing them, starting with warnings - so additional tickets in customer support is not needed. Those cases aren't ignored anyway, since all players are being monitored.

We don't describe details about methods to not make lives of abusers easier - more data will allow easier circumvention of our methods, and this is a competition between cheat-makers us, finding them, we don't want to give them unnecessary edge.

over 5 years ago - Umbaretz - Direct link

I would like to remind everyone here that political discussions on the WoWS forum is prohibited and ask you to refreain from it.

over 5 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link


Needless to say this has derailed considerably from the initial intention of the thread - you all know what happens now...

Ultimately, we are monitoring bots on all servers at all times, we do regular sweeps and ensure that bot accounts are addressed. They receive a warning before being removed from the game.

If a player has an offensive / inappropriate name, please report it through the ticketing system and if it is deemed inappropriate they will be renamed.

In regards to what the thread has derailed into, I encourage you to review the forum rules and cease behavior that is in contradiction to it.

For us here at Wargaming, it doesn't matter what race, gender, nationality, etc that you are - you are a player and your opinion and concerns will be listened to the same as any player.

Focus on what unites us, not what separates us.


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