Exactly, for example, when you use the data above you should use correction that line is still relatively new and not all players got the ships, especially high tier ones.
Exactly, for example, when you use the data above you should use correction that line is still relatively new and not all players got the ships, especially high tier ones.
That's just not true.
I expect the game to not to have bias towards Russian ships because we don't have such a goal, it lacks any sense.
You mean nerf after nerf for her?
Hardly an argument for intended OPness.
And a ship is overpowered - than that is a mistake - and we fully intend to correct it. Similar story in being overpowered.
How about french bias? Each french line upon release still in the competitive meta - both in Clan War and even in Kots.
Also, we've heard that "Daring is op", "Harugumo is op", "Worcester is op" - and some claims may be true, but really getting enough data helps to determine that. And if line doesn't seem op at the start - it's instantly is deemed underpowered.
We can expect "Venezia is op", btw.
I think something was lost in translation.
You can watch a stream where Phil, in detail, explains how balancing is done: