almost 2 years ago - Konception - Direct link

Greetings Captains,

Welcome to this week’s edition of the New Player Captain's Log! For those of you who aren't sure what this is or what it might do, feel free to check out the introductory post here.

With each topic I discuss, I also added a question at the end to see how y’all feel about things in comparison to how I feel. I just thought it would be an interesting way to get some discussion going!

Without further ado, let’s proceed with this week’s Log!

Here’s a list of personal milestones that I hit during the week:

1. Tried out a few premium ships I had no experience with prior
Focus Points of the Week
Here’s a list of the focus points for this week:

1. Play premium ships in classes I am less comfortable with

Similar to previous weeks, I am going to talk about the specific ships that I focused on during the week as opposed to the individual events or topics.

San Diego
Now that the dust has settled on our US Independence Day activities, I decided to take the San Diego out for the first time. My first match with her was in PTS, and I was immediately enamored with her. She has such a fast reload that I feel like I have a higher damage output (as long as I stay alive) and I have discussed before that I do enjoy SAP as a whole, so it was nice to see her outfitted with it. Accuracy seems to be really solid, too! Of course, the sacrifice here seems to be in range, as I feel you have to get decently close to hit hard, whether that be with main battery or the short-range torps. At least she feels very maneuverable if not survivable! Regardless, as I moved out of PTS and into Randoms with her, I just had a blast. Granted, I am still struggling with cruisers so my performance wasn’t anything to celebrate. Once I get better with cruiser techniques as a whole, I could easily see the San Diego being my go-to at Tier 8.

Question: How do you feel about San Diego’s balance? What could she use more of, or what could be removed if you feel she is unbalanced?

I continued exploring CVs a bit more this week, so I decided to take a look at the Hornet, which I had not used before. As I usually do with CVs, I took her into Co-op first to learn about what she has to offer first hand. Her planes definitely feel a bit slow (I don’t have a lot of experience with T8 carriers, but I feel like I expected more speed?) but it can’t be denied that she hits plenty hard. This was also the first time I have ever used a tactical bomber squad, which I just had to straight up read about afterwards since I was unfamiliar. I will say she took me some time to get familiar with due to her having what I perceive to be faster dropping bombs/torps (this probably isn’t right, but it’s just what I perceived). I straight up missed more shots than normal due to me overleading, so I had to take a step back and adjust a bit and found a little bit more success. I also refocused my aim to moving towards larger ships (heavy cruisers, BBs) after taking a look at her Wiki page, and that seemed to improve my numbers a bit.

Question: What are some of the best circumstances to utilize tactical bomber squads?

I also got a couple of rounds in on the Anchorage, which I have very little experience not only playing but seeing in the wild. This came to me after last week’s log, where someone hyped up the Anchorage as one of their favorite Dockyard ships. Since I had recently played the San Diego, I got a bit of a shock to the system when I took the Anchorage. As a heavy cruiser, she’s definitely slower and harder to maneuver. However, I did really appreciate the increase in survivability and range as well as still having access to smoke in order to get me out of jams if needed. Torps seem to reload quicker than I would have thought, and the main battery reloads slower than I would like, but them’s the breaks. In my brief time with her, I seemed to not have too much trouble with hitting, and I felt that I had a few more pens than I normally would have, so that was nice to see too! Time will tell, but I think the Anchorage could be a good ship for my play style!

Question: As far as heavy cruisers go, how does the Anchorage rank in your personal rankings?

I think that about covers it this week! I want to remind everyone that the New Player Captain’s Log is also designed to be a place for new players to reply with their experiences or seek advice as well, so feel free to join in on the conversation below!

See you next week for some more New Player musings. Fair winds and following seas!

almost 2 years ago - Konception - Direct link

It's very interesting to me to see the different viewpoints on the Anchorage specifically. For some reason, I felt like most of the responders here would be into the Anchorage just due to her unique flavor. It's fascinating to see y'all's viewpoints! Keep 'em coming!

almost 2 years ago - Konception - Direct link

Whoa that is a BEAUTIFUL paint job

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