over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

There's been no word of their situation being changed that I'm aware of. Should be a-ok~

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

I've always had trouble feeling out which version to use. A long time ago I'd settled on "affect" having some tie to "emotion", such as someone being emotionally impactful would be "affected".

Having now read https://www.grammarly.com/blog/affect-vs-effect/ at 7:30am, I'm... not really in a better place than before. However, "Affect" is a verb and "Effect" is a noun kiiinda helps?

Even now, I read: "There's been no word of them being effected that I'm aware of. Should be a-ok~" as ok in concept due to that lack of a Unique Upgrades ability to feels emotions :D


Anyway, I'll fix it. Thank ya <3

over 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Nice! Totally saving this <3