about 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Are you describing a survey which you received in game? or are you referring to the pinned post in the forums?

about 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

The one in the forums is evergreen for the entire patch. You're welcome to do it at any time you see fit. I don't see how having the option to interact with it Day 1 is a problem in need of fixing.
As for the in-game survey - yes, if that's popping up for you Day 1, then that it odd.

about 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Yeah that's kinda silly.
To be fair, the question then is, "When is an appropriate time"? For a forum post - it can be interacted with at any time of your choosing, so there's no reason NOT to put it out immediately. For a pop-up in-game that goes away if you don't do it then and there, later would be better.

about 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Thanks everyone for the head's up. I'll see if I can poke around and find out anything!

about 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Have more information. Will need a moment to confirm and write up.

about 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Official Update Time! ('cuz I got answers)

We have a unified Survey for each patch that we've been doing. For this patch, you can find it here:

This Survey is presented on a wide variety of platforms to encourage interaction with it. It can be done early in the Update, late, or at any point in between.

The reason for the In-Game Notification is actually tied to receiving a Twitch-drop from the official stream. It can be counter-intuitive to expect a survey occurring so early to be useful, but we seem to get a lot of early-engagement which has pushed us toward continuing the early notifications along with reminders on the Forums and other forms of Community Outreach that we do.

For others that play less often or don't catch the Official Streams, the Survey is present throughout for people to fill it out as they feel they've experienced enough of the Update to comment on.


(Posts included to tag folks in this thread)

about 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

There is a highly specific art/methodology to collecting information from polls or surveys. It has to do with question wording, presentation, reach across the audience, and quite a lot of stuff I'm not even aware of to describe in passing.

You are correct that early data is likely the least "founded", but there's nothing stating the time the survey is filled out isn't tracked in some form or fashion. Data can be parsed into hype/expected vs sated/actual. Again, stating openly, that's beyond my personal understanding as to how that's done correctly/well.


The biggest reason I can come up with off the cuff as to why early reports are so important is because we're a Free-to-Play game. Regulars that play every day can forget that the overwhelming majority of our audience is more casual and aloof. Updates and Patches do bring a swell of interest that tapers off as people have seen and interacted with the content, so trying to get a survey under as many noses as early as possible could be valid for no other reason than that.