“Commanders! For technical reasons, battle chat is temporary disabled on the Public test server. We are sorry for the inconvenience.”
“Commanders! For technical reasons, battle chat is temporary disabled on the Public test server. We are sorry for the inconvenience.”
You can disable chat. Holding Control provides a mouse pointer while in-game. You can select the speech-bubble underneath the chat window that has an X on it to disable player chat (pings/voice commands, consumable uses, and achievements still come through).
The non-"All or Nothing" option is using Block or Blacklist to remove people from chat you do not want to interact with.
If you want to chat only with your Div-Mates, just Block everyone that isn't in your Div.
If you want to chat only with your Teammates, just Block everyone that isn't on your Team.
It's extra steps compared to a single-click chat disable, but additional clicks is a normal price for more specific results.
Consumable use, yes.
Pings, no.
Block/Blacklist is a way to stop getting spammed by people that use the voice/ping actions relentlessly.