almost 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

This is a game, so some liberties are taken for gameplay and balancing purposes.

While Repulse may not have torps in our game, she's a great ship. Her accurate guns and lovely handling are a lot of fun.

almost 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

This is part of their gameplay that makes them a unique experience.
Be on the lookout later this real for the RN Battlecruiser line - I'm sure they will have a distinct playstyle as well

almost 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

We design with a "Power Budget" concept. Every ship only gets so much good stuff and there are downsides to offset the good.

Having accurate BB overmatch at Tier 6 on a hull that is nimble is absolutely powerful. She doesn't need Torps to be a great ship, because she's already a great ship.


There's a lot more than goes into making this game work than a "grass is greener" version of looking at things. "If I can't have it, why can X have it?" doesn't accurately reflect the balancing of an individual ship because of the creation of each ship being aimed at a unique experience.

almost 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

We have an asymmetrical game. Cruisers are innately different than Destroyers are innately different than Battleships are innately different from Carriers. The concepts we use are to allow a player to feel relevant in the game regardless of Ship Type. Some Types may expect more damage or tankiness, others more utility... and there's a large swath of diversity within Types as well.

This game is a massive balancing act to allow people to play within shouting distance of each other, and that's just factoring the Tier the ship happens to be in.