almost 6 years ago - Vessery - Direct link

In order to estimate the impact of aircraft carriers' spotting and scouting capabilities in battles, we will hold a closed test session with special weather settings on the map "North".

Overall, four weather scenarios will be tested:

Aircraft can't detect ships with AA turned off. If AA is turned on, aircraft can detect ships as long as they are within firing range of their anti aircraft guns.

Aircraft can't detect ships with AA turned off during the first 10 minutes of the battle. If AA is turned on, aircraft can detect ships as long as they are within firing range of their anti aircraft guns.

Aircraft can't detect ships with AA turned off at the beginning of the battle. After that, over the course of 20 minutes, the air detectability range of ships gradually increases to the current basic value. If AA is turned on, aircraft can detect ships as long as they are within firing range of their anti aircraft guns.

Aircraft can't detect ships with AA turned off at the beginning of the battle. After that, over the course of 10 minutes, air detectability range of ships gradually increases to the current basic value. If AA is turned on, aircraft can detect ships as long as they are within firing range of their anti aircraft guns.

These test sessions will help us gather the required data to estimate extreme cases and determine steps for improvement.

Please note that these mechanics are built as a rough prototype and will only be used to collect stats.

almost 6 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link


Please note these are close tests. They are going to be used to ASSESS various factors used to develop solutions to issues that exist in game.

If the tests yield negative results, they will not be used/utilised going further.


almost 6 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

Please avoid making threads on already established topics, I have merged yours with the official announcement.

almost 6 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

Please avoid making threads on already established topics, I have merged yours with the official announcement.

almost 6 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

The Developer corner is where all posts from the Dev blog get posted so that players don't have to dig through multiple threads on the same topic.

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