about 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Well, this seems to have been a busy thread I got to wake up to.

Let me put my Mod-hat on.

It's not fun to experience stuff like this.

Some folks will take accusations of cheating to be a badge of honor... because it's a sign someone thought you were too good to be true!

However, most people don't like to be yelled at :\ Especially when they don't deserve it. MORE especially when the game is over and some random guy follows you to port just to yell at you.

Thank you for submitting a Customer Support Ticket on this, it's something that Must happen because that's how things like this are seen and tracked and handled.


For the future, I know your screenshot was intended as a Public Service Announcement, but keeping the name of the player in it falls under the "Name & Shame" rule. Basically, that you Named the person, in order to Shame the person.

I've removed the name from your picture, so please do that if a similar situation happens that you'd like to discuss on the forum.

Speaking with my Community Manager hat on, the OP HAS a spine. Why do I say this? Because he didn't hide from the problem, he addressed it.

He made a Ticket so our Customer Support can know about a guy that did the wrong thing.

He made a post to make people aware that behavior like that shouldn't be tolerated.

He stood in the face of a second person that said things to him, because people being treated respectfully is important.

I realize this is the internet, but my goal as a Community Manager is to help people be able to discuss things here in a civil way. "Toughen up, buttercup" can be fine advice to a person you are familiar with, but it's not overly helpful to someone that's already shown they don't want to hide from a problem.


Moderation Note: I have altered the OP's picture to conform to guidelines and hidden a post. If this conversation is going to continue, please keep it classy

about 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

That's why we've got a "Blacklist" function.

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