over 3 years
ago -
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Pan-Asian researchable Tier V-X cruisers, as well as Tier IX Pan-Asian cruiser Dalian have been added to the game for testing.
Read more: https://blog.worldofwarships.com/blog/220
Pan-Asian researchable Tier V-X cruisers, as well as Tier IX Pan-Asian cruiser Dalian have been added to the game for testing.
Read more: https://blog.worldofwarships.com/blog/220
Please be careful with the direct pings to WG staff. We've got a lot on our plate as it is, but I assure you that we read these devblog feedback threads and collect the feedback. Just because you may not get an answer here directly does not mean your thoughts are not being seen :)
We honestly do read the feedback and pass it along.
We just can't answer questions everywhere, so the pings don't help =D
Thank you for participating and letting us know what you're thinking!