over 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

There will be no "Short List".
As you can see clearly in the post, there is an overall drop-chance for a ship, then within that there are different chances for the grouping of the ships, but all ships listed in all categories are available as drops regardless of group.

over 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

I totally get it. No worries!

over 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Can confirm, no short lists~

We'll use a Santa's Mega Gift as an example

You have a 12% Chance to strike the "Tier 5-7 Ship" category... a 3% Chance to strike the "Tier 8-9 Ship" category... and a 1% chance to strike the Tier X and Rare Ship" category.

Once you strike a Category, the chance is split across all the available items in the Category. If you have an item already, it will be considered Unavailable. So the chance of getting a specific ship in the Category would be "1/[number of available ships]"

over 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Smolensk was actually removed BECAUSE of how well she was snapped up.

She occurred in battle after battle after battle after battle after battle...

...after battle :D

So they took her off the shelf so the Smol-spam would dry up.


She's been nerfed twice since she was available. IFHE Change was big, and then the loss of double range affected her quite a lot as well. She's a fun ship, but not transcendent~

over 3 years ago - Boggzy - Direct link

Fair question - the chances then distribute amongst the remaining categories, but I don't know exactly the math of it.
I believe it is accurate to call it "proportional distribution", but I'm not sure. I think that @Ahskance knows the proper wording for it.
So don't stone me to death if I have it wrong!

over 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

I just spent the last two hours figuring out how best to describe "Distributed Proportionally", so I'm pretty up on this one~


I'm going to use the Santa's Mega Container numbers for this example

Ship Groups together account for 16% Drop Chance.

Tier 5-7 Ships: 12%
Tier 8-9 Ships: 3%
Tier X and Rare: 1%

Example 1:

Situation: A player has all the available ships in the Tier 5-7 Group.

The Santa's Mega Container will continue to have a 16% Drop Chance for "Ships", so the Drop Chance is distributed proportionally amongst the remaining two groups. This will look at the Ratio of the remaining groups, and distribute amongst them such to maintain that ratio.

As the remaining groups have 3% and 1% respectively, we see there is a 3-to-1 ratio between them. This will be used to apportion the Drop Chance from the disabled group.

Tier 5-7 ships: 0% (no available ships to attain disables this Group)
Tier 8-9 ships: 12% (3% increased by 3/4ths of the disabled group's Drop Chance)
Tier X and Rare: 4% (1% increased by 1/4th of the disabled group's Drop Chance)

Example 2:

Situation: A player has all the available ships in the Tier 8-9 Group.

The Santa's Mega Container will continue to have a 16% Drop Chance for "Ships", so the Drop Chance is distributed proportionally amongst the remaining two groups. This will look at the Ratio of the remaining groups, and distribute amongst them such to maintain that ratio.

As the remaining groups have 12% and 1% respectively, we see there is a 12-to-1 ratio between them. This will be used to apportion the Drop Chance from the disabled group.

Tier 5-7 ships: 14.75% (12% increased by 11/12ths of the disabled group's Drop Chance)
Tier 8-9 ships: 0% (no available ships to attain disables this Group)
Tier X and Rare: 1.25% (1% increased by 1/12th of the disabled group's Drop Chance)

Example 3:

Situation: A player has all the available ships in the Tier 5-7 Group AND the Tier 8-9 Group.

The Santa's Mega Container will continue to have a 16% Drop Chance for "Ships", so the Drop Chance is distributed proportionally amongst the remaining two groups. This will look at the Ratio of the remaining groups, and distribute amongst them such to maintain that ratio.

There is only one remaining group. This will be used to apportion the Drop Chance from the disabled groups.

Tier 5-7 ships: 0% (no available ships to attain disables this Group)
Tier 8-9 ships: 0% (no available ships to attain disables this Group)
Tier X and Rare: 16% (1% increased by 100% of the disabled groups' Drop Chance)


Has this been helpful? Lemme know!

over 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Established players might try to hunt down a rare ship, but if you're newer to the game don't worry about trying to collect trophies right now. Just enjoy the game~

Typically free Premium Ships are available through events that occur every month or few, and you really do collect a fair amount of them over time just by playing and figuring things out. There's no rush~

over 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

Those were both removed, and we don't have any plans for them at the moment.

Santa Containers have long been a way of having removed or non-available ships come back during the Holidays, but as you can see the Drop Chances are quite small so it's unlikely to create a sudden surge in their population.

The Santa Containers have a variety of nice things, and tend to be quite generous in terms of what they provide. Hopefully you'll be pleased with what you get should you purchase any~


As for Tier X or bust... this game really doesn't quite work like that. World of Warships is very approachable, even in a bottom tier situation. Typically High Explosive shells threaten any ship in the match, and setting Fires are always a concern for any enemy player.

Tiers 6 through 8 are a fine place to enjoy the game, especially while you're new to it.

over 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

While you can look at this way, no ships are really outlandishly OP here. Yes, some folks will tell you X or Y ship is very powerful, but no ship is so strong as to singlehandedly win games or flanks.

Honestly, relax a bit and learn a few Tech Tree lines. They're free and they'll give you great training on how the game works and what you might want to specialize in. The tech tree ships and grindable-free premiums are the work horses of this game, both in Randoms and in Competitive.

over 3 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

I'm not aware of any coming up! At the moment, we have a Dockyard and Santa Event that will be happening, which should be more than enough to keep us on our toes in the meantime!