Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles Dev Tracker

06 Feb


Just to clarify:

This particular hotfix was to address servers getting unresponsive throughout the day. Unresponsive meaning that you weren't able to attack npcs, other players or that you weren't able to interact with the environment (mining, harvesting etc).

Additional fixes for lag spikes and hitches are currently on our TestLive Servers for testing and to collect input from your side. We hope to be ...

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05 Feb


Please don't ignore your girlfriend, thank you.


Originally posted by alexmcjuicy

any idea when the update is hitting live? thought i read that it would be late january or early feb just want to know if that's still accurate.

Second Week of February. To make sure you get the fastest possible info, make sure to also keep an eye on our official news section :)


Hey there,

This patch is aimed to alleviate the issue some servers experienced during raid times, in which players were unable to harvest resources or damage any other player or enemy.

We're continually monitoring any feedback our community has to share about this issue in this thread in our forums:


Originally posted by scruffythedm

We need jabbal sag nerf and spear nerf soon guys. Also the walking under water glitch is really f**king over our base.

Hey! We'll DM you for further details :)


Originally posted by scruffythedm

We need jabbal sag nerf and spear nerf soon guys. Also the walking under water glitch is really f**king over our base.

Hey there,

Both changes are already available on Testlive, where we're currently gathering feedback from the community :)


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Originally posted by Anomia29

Is this the damn fix for the stuttering lag introduced in one of the December patches? Will I finally be able to quench my bloodthirst by being able to kill things again?

We believe this will help with desync and unresponsiveness on our servers, but please let us know if you're still having issues :)


Please note: The servers are still in the process of being patched so not all of them will be available immediately.

Hey everyone!

We're rolling out another patch for the PC to address some of the issues we've been having recently with unresponsiveness and de-synchronization on our official servers. We will continue to monitor this issue and patch as needed, so please continue to provide us with feedback.

  • Changed how client and server executes player and NPC actions. This should fix issues with unresponsive servers

Trello Report Board
We have a public bug tracking board here[]! You can check this to track the issues that get brought up by the community the most. In the "For prioritization" column you can vote for the issues you would like us to prioritize and we will make sure it gets moved into development asap. You can read the f... Read more
    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everybody,

We just released a new hotfix that aims to alleviate this issue even further.

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Hey everyone!

We're rolling out another patch for the PC to address some of the issues we've been having recently with unresponsiveness and de-synchronization on our official servers. We will continue to monitor this issue and patch as needed, so please continue to provide us with feedback.


  • Changed how client and server executes player and NPC actions. This should improve desync issues

Trello Report Board

We have a public bug tracking board here! You can check this to track the issues that get brought u...

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Originally posted by ejjaswe

I can probably get the scripts since I know ppl using them and then send them to you?

Hey there,

We answered to your DM :)


Hey there,

We're aware of some of them, and investigating others. If would be helpful if you would contact us privately (either here or in our forums) via DM, or use our tool Exploit Hunters (...

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04 Feb

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @damian_x_pl

That issue was not covered by our latest hotfix. It has been fixed internally, though, and it will come out with an upcoming patch.

01 Feb


Hey there,

We just released an update to our Testlive patch that fixed this issue. We expect to release it live mid-February :)

31 Jan


Hey there,

We're sorry you're experiencing these issues. How often has your game been crashing? When is that crashing happening? Is ishappening while playing offline or in an online server?

Thanks for your patience and information :)


We know that it's something the players are interested in and it's on our list to evaluate and look at once we are through with our current focus or at least as soon as we have time to do estimates and plans for adding more player suggestions :)

30 Jan

It's high time we did something about the VOIP feature in Conan Exiles on PC and we're very happy to announce that the game will see some serious improvement to the in-game voice chat.

One of the most consistent pieces of feedback we've gotten from the Conan Exiles community is about the in-game voice chat. It's been in need of some improvements and updates to make it more reliable when communicating. This has been especially important for RPers, who use voice chat when roleplaying.

We're planning on rolling the new VOIP out to the Testlive branch as soon as possible, and we'd love for you guys to put it through its paces once we do. That goes double for the RPers out there! Thanks to your votes on the community Trello board[] we were able to make a strong case for the featur... Read more