
Overwatch Dev Tracker

13 Nov


We do have one shield bash change we are playtesting right now, which is likely to hit the next PTR: Shield Bash no longer going through barriers.

This means it is a lot more tricky to land a clutch stun on an enemy Reinhardt, for example, but you can still use the ability to close distance and land melee hits to trigger Inspire.


Hey there, we’re investigating this. As much detail as you’re able to provide (hardware specs, etc) may help us more quickly identify the problem. Thanks for your patience.

    Denis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Disclaimer: This is not a complete list of all currently tracked issues affecting this build of Overwatch, rather this is a targeted list of some known specific issues with this release.

Patch 1.30



  • Ashe will incorrectly play her “clubhouse” voice line on multiple maps

The Viper

  • Impact VFX play at an angle when hitting surfaces
  • When spectating Ashe in First Person, if she zooms in, player outlines are not visible in her guns sights

Coach Gun

  • The blast from Coach Gun does not knock around broken objects in the world environment
  • If Ashe fires her Coach Gun down towards a deflecting Genji, she can be launched into orbit


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    Denis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Older Known Issues



  • Heroes hit by Sleep Dart may have animation issues when hit by other abilities
  • Shooting an ally that’s at full health counts as a miss


  • If two Brigittes Shield Bash each other at the same time the results are inconsistent


  • Rocket Punch does not knock back D.va’s mech as it is self-destructing
  • Doomfist’s Rocket Punch doesn’t damage Junkrat’s Concussion Mine.


  • Sonic Arrow model disappears when it destroys some breakables


  • Some of his bombs spin in his vest holster when ...
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    Denis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Patch 1.29

Colorblind Options


  • The Tab Screen in Deathmatch does not have custom coloring applied to it
  • Junkenstein’s Revenge UI elements do not have color blind coloring
  • It is possible that while in Hero Select, player names may be missing from their player icons
  • The score screen between rounds of Control maps does not have color blind options applied for both teams

Torbjorn Rework


Deploy Turret

  • The tracking beam which follows the turrets target is jittery


  • The Torbjorn bot can waste a globule of slag from Molton Core if he is repairing his Turret when he activates his Ultimate
  • ...
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We also initiated a background download (aka prepatch) for this 1.30 update late last week. This prepatch allowed for a smaller update today.



Hey there, the patch notes should be live shortly (if not already)! Cheers.


I’m locking this topic as it breaches the Code of Conduct and Forum Guidelines. Users who create topics with the intent to harass their fellow community members will find their accounts suspended.

Thank you.

12 Nov


Thanks for helping us test Ashe & B.O.B.! We are now concluding the 1.30 Public Test. The Public Test Region will not be accessible until we update with new content. You can continue to provide additional feedback and bug reports here if needed. Thank you for … doing something. :smile:

10 Nov


The problem we encountered was with the in-game Master Volume sound setting. If you turned down your master volume lower than 100, it would throw off the balance of the audio. 2d sounds would be quiet and 3d sounds would be loud.

We have now turned off the Windows Spatial Audio for this patch. We really appreciate the help testing, and we hope to bring it back to PTR at a later date.

Thanks everyone!

09 Nov


I’m locking this topic as it contributes nothing constructive to the community. However, if you have feedback on the current state of Brigitte’s balance, I encourage you to make a topic that addresses your points.

Thank you.


Hey there, thanks for the review. Are you using Windows Sonic or Dolby Atmos for Headphones in your spatial audio settings?

    Linsivi on Forums - Thread - Direct

I was actually going to mention that exact workaround. Huzzah!

    Linsivi on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey, thanks for the direct response. We have a fix coming soon for both of the issues that you are seeing with the thread buttons and the extra space.

Feel free to respond to me for now and I’m looking into the best way to gather forum feedback that’s sustainable for the future. :pray:

08 Nov


In 2017, I witnessed first-hand his fantastic sportsmanship at the Santa Monica Qualifier when he was representing Team Germany :de: in the Overwatch World Cup. So many gravitated towards Dennis because of his charisma, humor, and kind demeanor. He was a good soul.

His brimming selflessness and the camaraderie he forged with others embodies the best of the Overwatch esports community. And it will never be forgotten. The legacy of “Internethulk” lives on in the players and coaches he so greatly inspired.

Dennis, we thank you. You will always be remembered.

05 Nov

Leader of the notorious Deadlock Gang, Ashe is a rebellious gunslinger who plays by her own rules.


Elizabeth Caledonia “Calamity” Ashe




Thief, Gang Leader

Base of Operations:

Deadlock Gorge, Arizona, USA


Deadlock Gang

"My business, my rules."


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04 Nov