Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

28 Oct


Originally posted by UndercoverVenturer

92gb currently, but ok.

Sorry, I should've specified - the development build is currently 55 gb. The public build is 92. When we update, you'll see a significant decrease in how much space the game eats up.

26 Oct


Originally posted by Autisum_Creature

Serious reply: I think that the NPC’s are moving objects and I guess that the devs didn’t set the impact material.

Legit just this


It won’t be making a return, at least not right now. It was actually one of the first guns we added to the game waaay back when we started development, will always have a place in my heart

23 Oct


Originally posted by interflop

While I haven't played the game yet, I do appreciate what you guys have been working hard on and bringing to the table. It's always great to see that there are still teams not looking to turn every gameplay loop into a casino for artificially inflated engagement and focusing on just making a fun game people seem to enjoy a lot.

Thanks! A lot of our goals for progression simply reinforce the purpose of our gameplay loop anyways.


We've covered some larger ones but there are definitely a number of smaller missions coming, too!


Originally posted by CinnamonDaemon

I mean there aren't that many maps in general, but small ones are there. I mean hell we have on that's literally the smallest 2 storey cabin known to man

What cabins are you staying in? That place is a palace hah


We're actually adding a battle pass which will give you RoN Coins to buy skins (just kidding!)

We are aiming for some very light progression within the game that fits the narrative and gameplay loop, but it won't affect your loadouts or any kits/gear -- everything will be available from the get-go. Won't have to grind half the levels to get an optic or a new gun, night vision, or to get heavy armor. It also won't stop you from playing any mission with your friends the moment you load up 1.0.

21 Oct


Originally posted by zigaliro

One of the devs did say that they optimized the file size a lot and the current file size on the development build is 50-60 gb.

Current size on disk is 55 gb :)

11 Oct


Originally posted by aermine

Games darned fun, keep up the good work

Thank you!!!!


Originally posted by noahsuperman

I didn’t even know there were mods lmao

If you're a good mod, noone will even know you're there! Congrats!!

10 Oct


Textbook example of why we talked about blocking volumes in our latest update hah

04 Oct


Snuff film vibes


Originally posted by sinistergrapes420

Maybe someday the developers will be able to match the AI quality of SWAT 3 from like 20 years ago.


29 Sep


Originally posted by JimMorrisonWeekend

I remember playing with the trial edition of endorphin back in the day. Good fun

And all the windows movie maker compilations on YT in the golden years… bliss

28 Sep


hidden OST easter egg?!?

21 Sep


Originally posted by kewo067

This is what Zack said about this, Zack is music and sound dev.

‘Here's the scoop on VOIP - we've fixed the current implementation, and added a new setting for default channel

for the more advanced stuff, i.e. processing so it has reverb and occlusion and all that, pushed it past 1.0. Still on the audio roadmap, wanted to focus on more important stuff atm’

(Just confirming this - post 1.0, its a big want from me)

09 Sep


Originally posted by Flogger23MLD

I do see this being beneficial in co-op, which I think is where the purpose will best fit. Communicating over voice can be hard for people and I think this is a good augment for communications.

For maps with hastily drawn floor plans, will those appear on the tablet in said hastily drawn form?

You better believe it! We even have some outdated floorplans, which will be fun. All levels will have one though, either leaning towards highly valuable pre-game information or towards worldbuilding and storytelling, depending on what serves to provide a cooler experience.


Originally posted by kreamerez

Certainly a better dev log than usual. Good to see VOID are making decent steps.

Aiming to improve em across the board.

07 Sep


Originally posted by Flogger23MLD

More tools can't hurt, and I think this is more for the aspect of communication without using a mic for co-op gameplay. But from a realism perspective I doubt a SWAT team would use this much.

Thanks for your feedback. I like to think these things will provide some use but ultimately help new players understand some levels better than others, as well as give players who wish to use it an opportunity to communicate plans a little better. From a realism perspective, they keep it pretty high level and yeah, just talk about entries and any known threats. A lot of this will be covered in our briefings, so this just acts as another tool in the belt for people who wanna use it.


Originally posted by DizzieM8

Nice to see the red flair back on this sub.

Will we see more of you moving forward?

As we get closer, yeah for sure. I've been glued to my damn chair for the whole year so any time off of looking at UE4 or Jira is time I can spend with my family, away from work. But I will be more present especially as more stuff gets shown.