
Rimworld Dev Tracker

05 Dec


Hey guys. We investigated this issue today and found that it seems to be caused by the mod HugsLib. The related error message is

Exception filling window for RimWorld.Dialog_Options: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Dialog_Options.RimWorld.Dialog_Options.DoModOptions_Patch0(RimWorld.Dialog_Options,Verse.Listing_Standard)
at RimWorld.Dialog_Options.DoOptions (Verse.OptionCategoryDef category, UnityEngine.Rect inRect) [0x0015e] in D:\dev\unity\rimworld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\UI\Dialogs\Dialog_Options.cs:189
at RimWorld.Dialog_Options.DoWindowContents (UnityEngine.Rect inRect) [0x00109] in D:\dev\unity\rimworld\Assets\Scripts\RimWorld\UI\Dialogs\Dialog_Options.cs:123
at Verse.Window.InnerWindowOnGUI (System.Int32 x) [0x0023e] in D:\dev\unity\rimworld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\UI\Windows\Window.cs:247

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29 Nov


Hi, thanks for buying from us.

Are you running on Steam or are you running the DRM-free download? If you're comfortable with it, it would be best to register all your products on Steam via rimworldgame.com/getmygame - then, just install and play on Steam as usual.

Sometimes Steam breaks files and fails to fix them even on verify. In these cases you need to go into the actual file explorer and delete all the game files and files for all expansions to force it to re-download everything.

You can email [[email protected]](mailto:...

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24 Nov


Originally posted by Excalibro_MasterRace

There should be a cap on how low it can get

Yep, we're looking at reworking the math on this; there are a few options from minimum values to switching to multipliers. Update with this will be out pretty soon.

21 Nov


Originally posted by DoctorProffalternate

I love most changes, aside from the obvious integration changes it focused on I'm also very fond of the changes to drug resistance/immunity and the QoL/misc stuff. However, the bandwidth changes to lancers and scorchers are unnecessary IMO.

A lancer with 3 bandwidth is almost as expensive as a centipede at 4, but cannot possibly compete with it. There is a reason the lancer has a raid value of 150 and the centipede a whooping 400. Scorchers I found to be surprisingly good, despite their complete inefficiency against mechanoids, and the change cuts their cost in half. Bandwidth in general can be kind of awkward to work with since even the smallest possible changes to it have huge impact in the 1-2 ranges, so it might be easier to buff/nerf the mechs themselves instead like with the militor. Maybe give the lancer lower quality charge lances or lower shooter accuracy, and increase the scorcher's fire rate? Just a thought.

Units with different resource/supply costs are pretty common in strategy games. For example, in SC2 the roach is known to have a lot of power compared to its resource cost, but also be quite expensive in supply. This affects its strategic niche. It adds a bit of depth to the economic decisions short- and long-term as opposed to making the resource cost always exactly proportional to the supply cost.


Originally posted by muppet2011ad

Does this break saves?

No, all saves are compatible back to 2018 at least (and in many cases before).

16 Nov


Originally posted by Chiatroll

I still can't forgive him for all the times he personally raided my settlements. god damnit Tynan.

You should be glad it's me and not someone else - I really suck at shooting!


You're very welcome!

We watch discussions quite often actually; it's an amazingly valuable source of feedback. Especially when people write out cogent thoughts and ideas. I appreciate that the RimWorld community doesn't have a negative complaining vibe to it; it's very forward-looking and thoughtful.

12 Nov


Originally posted by FiraFoxy

These changes all look really cool - I understand the reluctance with cross-expansion content that Tynan had initially, but I do think it only makes sense to have many of these precepts relating to Biotech to help the "RP" aspect of colonies a lot more.

I have a small, minor question about a weird Biotech / Ideology interaction that seems to be a bit broken and bugged. If you have male Furskin pawns, with the "Beardless" gene and/or with your Ideology set to only use the "no facial hair" appearance at the Appearances at the bottom of your Ideology, the male Furskin pawns will be unhappy with their appearance until you get them a Styling bench and change their style - however, on doing this, the beards tab will be empty, because of the Beardless gene.

Thus, any Beardless Furskin male pawn will be permanently unhappy and get a small mood penalty, because the "no facial hair" isn't a valid option for them. I don't suppose it'd be possible to add "no facial hair" as an ...

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We will look into this. Could just be a little design hole/bug.


Originally posted by steamedbean-

A suggestion. Can we directly sell gene mods from the gene bank without ejecting them first?

It would make a ton of sense - will put this in our design queue for consideration.


Originally posted by Studly_Spud

Thanks Tia! A question on genepacks; is it intended that genepacks cannot be sold direct from bank? Meaning that we must always hit "eject all" when a trader comes along, then rebank afterwards.

This would make perfect sense - will consider for this or a future update. Thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by Kr4k4J4Ck

These are all great changes, but will there be balance changes done for the solo mechanitor route? It was so off-putting that I haven't even tried it again since the first week of release.

I found it kinda insane that you had to research the 3rd mech tree to get fabricator for something as simple as cutting stone chunks. It made 0 sense to me why in my solo mechanitor most of my time was spent cutting stone blocks or sitting at a deep drill trying to get platsteel deposits, when the whole playstyle is supposed to revolve around having these mechs do the work for you.

I just don't see myself ever doing this route again unless for some reason I want to cut stone chunks or deep drill for 90% of my run.

I saw that the fabricator can now cook which is a good step, but it's still so far into the research line that it doesn't make sense. (unless this was changed recently which I missed).

A good change would be to have a Fabricator be an early mech, but with...

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We want there to be progression through the tech tree, which means not just having every worker mechanoid available from the start. This is going to remain the same.

There are definitely econ development paths that don't require your mechanitor to spend all his time cutting stone chunks or deep-drilling plasteel. It's a kind of weird extra-challenge playthrough and requires some adaptation - doing the same development path as a normal colony would be slow for sure. So come at it another way. Build less walls, or use something besides stone blocks (which are inherently very slow) in the early game, or trade more, etc etc. Use less plasteel and focus on other resources, buy more of it, etc. Push faster to higher tech. There are tons of options.


Originally posted by massive-business

I hope there's an option to turn off player made xeno type spawns because I play with a super OP everything buffed deathless race that would be incredibly unfun to be raided by.

They won't appear as raiders, just random miscellaneous people in other situations.


Originally posted by fureshyu

Ludeon Studios is truly my favorite dev team. They not only communicate but they listen and can change their stance if it further enriches the game.

These days I’m honestly disillusioned when it comes to game support. Yes most studios communicate or have some sort of community manager. But rarely do they take into consideration the feedback players pose after a patch. Even rarer does the creator of the game put themselves into the public light.

Thank you Tia and everyone at Ludeon for creating and continuing to develop our favorite colony simulator (and also modders who contribute to the longevity and replay-ability).

You're very welcome and we appreciate the props. We're trying and it's good to have that be noticed :)

10 Nov


Originally we were worried about people accusing us of "locking content behind other expansions" or somesuch. But there are consistent calls across the community for more ideology/Biotech crossover, and it makes perfect sense design-wise, so we've been pushing on this internally (in addition to all the general improvements in ongoing updates).

Hopefully it'll be on the unstable Steam branch next week for public testing and full release soon after.

If you want to track the builds as they go up, they're on the ...

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07 Nov


We're planning to address this.

31 Oct


Originally posted by MagnaFox

I love how pure negative traits are starting to get niche uses.Like how anti-mood traits can be used with tortured artists.Anti-social traits can be used on slaves so colonists dont fall in love with them.A wimp slave is also good.Chemical traits are a free mood boost if you have beer or tea.

I hope more traits gain purpose other than sacrifice fuel so you can stave off a 500% raid longer.

It's like those M:TG cards that just kill your own creatures or damage yourself or whatever, but you can use them in weird combos to trigger useful effects. Always loved that concept.

26 Oct


There's an issue where furskin-specific beards can be manually assigned to non-furskin (i.e. non-yttakin). This may be that. It's getting fixed.

25 Oct


Thank you for playing and participating in the community - much appreciated!

23 Oct


I'm not sure there's much in the game that contradicts what you're saying.

RimWorld neanderthals can hunt, craft, use fire, and have complex spoken interactions. They can carry out rituals, bury the dead, hold and spread complex beliefs. They can form complex relationships with each other and with humans, who they can also interbreed with.

You talk about real neanderthals sewing, burying the dead ritualistically, doing art. RimWorld neanderthals do all this (in addition to building geothermal generators and interstellar spacecraft, FWIW).

None of this contradicts them being less intelligent than baseliners. There is a very broad spectrum of intelligence between a modern human and the cartoon notion of a proto-human who can only grunt (barely verbal) and swing a club.

If you IQ tested a population of neanderthals where would they score on average? Nobody really knows of course, but I don't think it would be 50, nor would it be 100. It'd be somewhere b...

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