
Rimworld Dev Tracker


    Mal on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello! We're launching a very special colony simulator bundle today: RimFort x DwarfWorld! Get 10% off the game you don't own to complete the set! The bundle runs until June 26, 2024, and it's one of the best ways to spend 1000 hours in game.

Explore massive, generated worlds with your colonists and your dwarves. Go from fighting raiders and sentient robotic beasts across the planet to vampiric infestations and necromancers deep in your mines!

... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

04 Jun

    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There have been some folks who have noticed their name-in-game has gone missing lately. It turned out to be more extensive than we thought, and we're working on getting everyone re-added.

If you've noticed your name is missing, please contact me through any of these channels:

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31 May


There's an interesting book called Seeing like a State that talks about this idea in the real world.

Scott Alexander had a good review of it: https://slatestarcodex.com/2017/03/16/book-review-seeing-like-a-state/

24 May

    Mal on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey everyone! We're back with a small update containing some changes, improvements and fixes for RimWorld and its expansions. This update should be compatible with all savegames and mods.

We do these updates with the help of players from the RimWorld community! If you're interested in helping us test, or you have a bug to report, please join us on the official RimWorld development Discord[discord.gg].

Bye for now!
- Tia

  • Adjusted render node worker to support multiple graphics per node without dirtying/reaching the render tree.
  • Thoughts for each genetic chemical dependency are tracked independently instead of lumped together int...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

15 May


Originally posted by Glugstar

I really hate this mentality from the devs.

It is not a story generator, it's just a game like any other. It's not both. Anyone how thinks this has story generation in it, doesn't know what a story is. A story is NOT a sequence of random events thrown at the characters.

It needs to have a main plot, a message it wants to convey, an encompassing theme, a narrative structure. It needs character personality arcs, it needs them to pass through adversity and come out at the end better people. It needs something you can try to imitate in your life, something that inspires you.

That's what stories are all about. RimWorld has precisely zero of all of that. The "story" is just randomness picked up from a premade list of actions, with no rime or reason.

The main character woke up in the morning, had his meal and was upset he didn't have a table. Then all of the sudden, am artillery shell killed him instantly. His friend was not too upset because he was happy ...

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The game does indeed only generate events; it does not attempt to *tell* a story or derive meaning from it. The player is the one who interprets them and constructs the story. Player and game act together for the story to come into being.

04 May


Thanks for reporting - we found an issue. Look forward to a hotfix very soon.


Hey guys, we're investigating this, would you mind posting your mod lists? Including simple UI/QoL mods.

EDIT: Okay, thanks for reporting - we found an issue. Look forward to a hotfix very soon. Sorry about that.

03 May

    Tynan on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hi everyone!

We're here today with a new feature update to Anomaly. Today's update adds a new way to play with all Anomaly content threaded into the entire game, instead of being linked strictly to the monolith quest. This resembles more how other expansions all interact together continuously over the course of a long game. No need for Anomaly to take over an entire playthrough!

We’ve also added some new economic pathways to make it more feasible to progress through Anomaly content as a low-tech tribal colony.

Take a look:

Ambient horror mode Now, when you start the game, you can select from three ways to integrate Anomaly into your game:
  • Standard with monolith: The original Anomaly experience. Anomaly threats are linked directly to the monolith.
  • Ambient horror: In this new mode, the monolith does not appear. Instead, Anomaly threats are threaded into the rest of the game. All Anomaly threats...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

27 Apr


Originally posted by EXusiai99

Ludeon shouldnt have waited until a new paid DLC drops just to add a new QOL enhancement. A small update every once in a while addressing the most common complains about the UI/UX should do.

I would love to update more often, but updates break mods and that angers people, so they have to be kept infrequent.

24 Apr


They increase containment strength thus reducing how often escapes happen.

And non-revenant entities still need to beat down the door.

22 Apr

    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone!

Just a quick request: There's been an issue that's popped up in 1.5 that some people have noticed their 'name-in-game' has gone missing. If it's happened to you, please give your name so we can check on it. We're not exactly sure what happened, but we're working on fixing it as soon as possible!

You can leave it in a comment here or on the post in the Ludeon forums[ludeon.com], or PM me as Sneaks on Discord in either the Development s... Read more

19 Apr

18 Apr


Originally posted by LazerMagicarp

One week to make an update to make us happy. You guys rock.

I will spare the next tynan I see out on the rim.

Thank you! Knowing my stats I'll need all the help I can get.

    Mal on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hi everyone - Ty here.

We’re loving your Anomaly stories! Please keep it up with the duplicated babies, shambler babies, and gray labyrinth baby drama. This expansion explores new ground creatively for RimWorld and it’s been incredibly gratifying to see people having new kinds of stories in the game.

Releases like this bring massive amounts of feedback, which is always incredibly valuable for us to understand how the game is playing and what people want. This time around, many players have said they’d like to be able to mix Anomaly content more into the rest of the game so it feels like less of a self-contained experience, and more like something that integrates into a normal playthrough.

Originally, we had Anomaly throw a ton of content at you guys because we wanted to be sure people would experience all the new stuff and see how much was really there. We may have pushed a bit too far there - Anomaly has tons of content and exposi... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

13 Apr


This makes me happy :) Shared with the devs!