9 months
ago -
Direct link
There have been some folks who have noticed their name-in-game has gone missing lately. It turned out to be more extensive than we thought, and we're working on getting everyone re-added.
If you've noticed your name is missing, please contact me through any of these channels:
If you've noticed your name is missing, please contact me through any of these channels:
- Leave a comment on this post
Comment on the Subreddit post or send me a PM there
Comment on the Ludeon forum post[ludeon.com] or PM there
Find me as Sneaks on Discord in either the official Development server[discord.gg] or in the Community server[discord.com].
Please don't hesitate to send me a private message on any platform, including friending me here on Steam, if you prefer to keep your name out of public view.
Firstname 'Nickname' Lastname
Firstname Lastname
We're definitely looking into what happened, and will get it straightened out as soon as possible! Missing (or new) names are updated along side regular patches / updates to the game, so it won't be immediate, but we will get you in.
For those unsure of where to find whether your name is still in:
Go into Options > Gameplay > Add name...
Search in this box and it'll pull up the names, like so: