Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley Dev Tracker

03 May


This isn't intentional, and will be fixed in the next patch. NPC's are supposed to avoid impassable "terrain features", such as trees, but not passable ones like flooring or grass

28 Apr


Originally posted by Rogue074

Yes, some of my friends have the Steam version while I have the Windows/MS Store version. Theirs updated, mine hasn’t

It's been submitted to certification (which is necessary for the windows store version but not for steam), hopefully it will pass soon (like within a few hours). I will release it as soon as it passes

19 Apr


Originally posted by Banezii

I went to the quarry cave and found a ladder that teleported me to level 77258 in Skull Caverns. No idea what caused it.

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are you using any mods?

11 Apr


can you post your error log? or the log of whoever is having the crash? you can find it in %appdata%/stardewvalley/errorlogs

02 Apr


hey, could you find and post (or link me) your error log? I think on Linux its found in ~/.local/share/StardewValley/ErrorLogs

22 Mar


yeah, I'd like that to fade smoothly. do you know if you happen to be playing the "compatibility" version of the game? or just the default

19 Mar


you can switch to the legacy_1.5.6 branch on steam and stay on 1.5. Then your mods will still work.


switch branch to the legacy_1.5.6 branch

13 Mar


Thanks for pointing it out. Fixed in 1.6 👍

19 Feb


hey, it was great meeting you guys! it was fun to do the doodles, my only regret is that I wish I had drawn morris' arms a little longer...

26 Nov


You can edit your save file. Go to %appdata%/StardewValley/Saves and find the folder _ .

First, back up your save in case something goes wrong.

Go in there and use notepad to open the file with the same name as the folder. Ctrl+f for "experiencepoints". You'll see a series of 6 values like xy ... set all the numbers to 0. Then ctrl+f for "farminglevel". You'll see similar tags like: 10 ... set all those to 0. Also set the tag to 0. Assuming you didn't already get to level 5 or 10 and get any professions, this should reset you back to the beginning. If you did get professions, ctrl+f for professions and replace the tag with . Also replace the tag with if there was anything there.

20 Sep


not a bad idea. I'll be moving some things around in the new update, since there are some new items you learn. I'll consider something like this

09 Jan


Originally posted by Logical-Wasabi7402

Now I want to know what part of the code broke so bad that an entire language was accidentally removed.

It wasn't actually a bug... Stardew mobile just never had chinese turned on until now. But now that I'm self publishing on mobile I was able to make it happen.

08 Jan


there's a patch being submitted very shortly which should fix this problem (and some other issues). It happens when you have "toolbar padding" turned up in the options menu. On some phones this is necessary because of notches. Sorry about the issues. We're going to keep releasing patches until everything is good

07 Jan


Originally posted by BrainFogAndBabies

I hope it's okay to ask this here, because I'm not tech savvy enough to know... CA said iOS and Android, but my daughter and I play on Fire tablets. Does the update automatically go to the Amazon appstore as well, since from what I could find online it's running a variation of Android, or would Amazon have to somehow add it later?

I think I have to update the amazon store separately... I'll do that as soon as I'm able to. Thanks for the reminder!

03 Nov

11 Sep


Thanks for the well wishes everyone : )

22 Jun


Originally posted by solorna

I feel like a total idiot admitting this.

I am also freshly disabled, which obviously would affect a person's thought process, so.

Stardew Valley's day structure has literally helped me to accomplish more, with my disability, in my day than I could before I started playing. Note: this is NOT a result of 'getting better' through PT. It is a result of SDV helping me to re-shape my thoughts.

The nature of my problems mean I am physically unable to perform many tasks in a row, and get tired very, very easily. As an example, it took me over a year to be able to stand at the sink for 3 minutes and brush my teeth without having to spend an hour laying down afterwards, from exhaustion.

Basically I one day, on accident, wanting to do laundry had this thought: I should start my MACHINE first. Not, my clothes, or laundry. But machine, like in the game. Soo I did, I ran the laundry (then laid down) and I thought it was like smelting Iridium or something.


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There have been times I've played a game a bunch and it affected my thought process, but it's never actually been useful to me irl, so that's really interesting. I'm glad that Stardew has been helpful for you. Thanks for sharing!

23 May


Can you give me more details... What exactly are you adding? What language are you playing in? Is it single player or multiplayer? I've never heard of this crash before so I'm not sure how much help I can be. Also, it's really difficult to debug if it's on the Switch because I can't get a crash report. If someone was able to reproduce the problem on PC, then it could probably be fixed.

02 May


Originally posted by nerdygirl1892

I finally managed it an hour after this!!! But have spent literally about 10 hours on this specific quest in total :(

I'm glad you persevered and overcame the challenge. Congratulations!