Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley Dev Tracker

06 Jul


Hey everyone,

I know you’ve all been waiting a while for the 1.5 update for Stardew Valley on mobile. While it is underway, it may be a while off yet. The main reason for this is that I had to get someone new to port the 1.5 update to mobile versions of the game, which has caused the mobile update to take much longer than it originally would have. Finding someone new to do the port took some time, but it was necessary.

I appreciate your trust and patience, and want to assure you that I’m doing everything within my power to get the 1.5 update out to you all as soon as possible.


02 Jul


As many of you know, for the past couple of weeks there has been an issue with multiplayer on Mac. The issue was not a bug in Stardew Valley’s code (there hasn’t been a Stardew Valley update since early this year, so nothing could have changed), but instead was an “authentication” issue having to do with the PC platforms (Steam & GOG). This happened because of a strange and very specific issue with a recent software update on one of those platforms. Fortunately, we were in communication with them right away, and with their help, we’ve discovered a way to resolve the issue. If you notice an update on Steam, that’s what it is. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

As always, thanks for playing Stardew Valley.

25 Jun


I think playing with more than 4 is a lot of fun. The only crash I am certain of, is if you try to go to the movie theater with more than 4 people at once (if you just go in batches of 4 it's fine). Other than that, there might be a few odd visual things, like people not lined up right at the flower dance.

19 Jun

13 Jun

08 Jun

07 Jun

20 May

19 May

11 May


That's great, I'm glad you're having fun and it's keeping you and your nephew close. I also started a group farm with some friends about a year ago and we've played once a week since then. It's been fun, we're almost finished with the entire game though. Enjoy it!

09 May


Originally posted by [deleted]


I stand behind the word choice. I think it makes sense

07 May


Hello everyone,

It has come to my attention that streamers on Twitch and Youtube and elsewhere are uncertain about what content they are allowed to monetize when it comes to streaming Stardew Valley.


My thoughts are very simple: You can feel free to play Stardew Valley on your streams and videos and also to monetize those streams and videos. That pretty much sums it up.


I want Stardew Valley to bring people together. I don’t want anyone to be anxious about playing and sharing footage of the game. Use your best judgement and have fun.


Thanks a bunch for playing and supporting Stardew Valley.

– Ape

06 May


Originally posted by Parent64

I would disagree with you there are images proof you copy certain art style from harvest moon.

Okay, show me this alleged proof.


Originally posted by codya30

Just saw this article a second ago and came here to ask a question on literally the first post that came up when I searched for this game... and I could be wrong.... aren't a bunch of the assets that concernedape used from chucklefish or otherwise borrowed, too? Terraria has a lot of very very similar art, and starbound. It's been awhile since I've looked at what's what, company and licensing wise but....

No, I drew everything in Stardew Valley from scratch

01 May


Playstation players,

You may have noticed a new update for Stardew Valley. It’s very a small update that fixes some bugs (

– Fixed crashes in map transitions.

– Fixed crashes playing online with larger farms.

– Fixed memory leak from screenshot feature.

– Fixed graphics memory leak in split screen.

– Fixed crash in bobber bar when fishing.

– Fixed crash in journal for some quests.

– Fixed a multiplayer crash during disconnection.

– Fixed crash in Skull Cave.


This patch will also come to other consoles soon. Thanks for playing Stardew Valley


23 Apr

10 Mar