
Stationeers Dev Tracker

01 Jun

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Nysch: Also **** whoever does your change logs, their English is atrocious.
Note, I deleted the post above and have included the censored version. Please read the steam community guidelines. It's fine to have concerns, or raise them. But be respectful of those on the forums, including developers.
    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
MP is working in the beta, and had been progressively working more and more from the date we launched the refactor beta.

AotR offered a proof of concept of the refactor, as we had a real example that we could test. Additionally, it had a code base with more than a passing resemblance to Stationeers, meaning we were able to port the work across.

AotR has not been released because it doesn't need to be released in advance, it has a small group of people involved in testing so it is able to get feedback without taking the risk of people being disheartened by bugs etc... Just because it isn't released yet does not mean it doesn't allow drawing worthwhile conclusions about systems and new approaches.

Using that project we were able to assess the numbers to do with bandwidth, rendering, connection, logging, dedicated server etc... Of these, all of them have been successfully ported across except some of the more complex batch rendering approaches from AotR.
... Read more

25 May

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The beta branch multiplayer is very functional, every day we are spending the morning playtesting ourselves. It's already dramatically better than what is on the main branch. The server browser is not functional yet, but close. So you can only play on the beta branch if you know the IP address of the computer hosting.

Hopefully some can share their experience. From the "sentry" crash reporting information, well over 70% of users are running the beta branch currently.

08 Apr

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
About two weeks ago, after months of hard work refactoring some core systems of Stationeers, we've gotten the project to a point where we felt comfortable releasing something to the community.

We’ve password protected the Beta Branch and want to make it clear that this is still a work in progress. To take a look at what we’ve done so far you can unlock the Beta Branch on steam using the password: "therewillbebugs".

Community member GrunfWorks produced an excellent video that outlines some real world results for performance improvements received on their saves, varying between 30-90% improvements.

So keep in mind: there will be bugs.

How we did this
With one of our smaller projects, Art of the Rail, we experimented with extremely optimized multiplayer built from the ground up, along w... Read more

06 Apr

    rocket2guns on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you try the Beta version of the game (use the password "therewillbebugs") you will notice dramatic improvements.

A youtuber did a review today of how different the beta version is to the current game.

25 Mar

    rocket2guns on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Note this is now very stable for singleplayer.

18 Mar

    rocket2guns on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We are being cautious, keeping the initial distrubtion low.

The password is "therewillbebugs" but I won't do a big post about it until we are sure its not going to mess people up badly. Another week or two of bugfixing before we open it up a bit!

05 Feb


We’ve made some big decisions and big improvements which we believe set Stationeers up for a great year in 2022.

While we’ve been quiet for a while, this isn’t because we haven’t been working on Stationeers. Quite the opposite. In October last year we did a strategic review, and identified key areas of technical debt that if we took the time to redo would lead to big gains.

However, it meant we paused our monthly updates while we replaced some fundamental systems (such as networking). This decision did not come lightly but we felt it was best investment for the long-term success of Stationeers. Once we started refactoring the multiplayer we realised there was more work than anticipated, but it also created the opportunity to tackle other key systems and go more in-depth than originally planned.

While we don’t... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

11 Jan

06 Jan

    rocket2guns on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We're doing a huge "refactor". It is not only dramatically improving multiplayer but also performance in singleplayer. We can't push these updates out incrementally, unfortunately.

Think of it like working on a car. Some changes you can do while the car still is used day to day, like refilling the petrol or wiper fluid, changing the spark plugs, changing a tyre. But some stuff requires the engine to be taken out and takes the car out of action for quite a while.

It's taking us longer than expected, but mostly because as we started fixing and making changes we discovered how much more opportunity we had - while everything was in pieces - to improve the game.
    rocket2guns on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'd also recommend:

Especially with their rocket stuff.

Also I REALLY like ECO. I'd recommend getting into it during a server reset, and playing with a group of friends. The dev team are fantastic as well. Also agree with all of the above as well, Astroneer is excellent.

01 Nov

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
Please note: since the last major update, loading a game with a DLC character would cause an error resulting in that character being replaced with a human without a suit. This has now been fixed and those old saves will now correctly spawn the DLC character. Now that this error has been corrected, new saves made since then with the DLC characters will not load correctly.

  • Fixed scene overriding trader panel fix
  • Fixed trading panel not displaying
  • Fixed in game code editor not displaying after entering and leaving and then entering a new session.
  • Fixed Error when disconnecting pipe from water bottle filler.
  • Fixed Render distance on Heat Exchangers.
  • Fixed Sorter Motherboard white-list dropdowns displaying behind other sorter buttons (meaning that you couldn't select those items)
  • Fixed Removed individual wreckage items from sorter. (you can filter all wreckage ite...
Read more

24 Oct

20 Oct


Locktober Down here in New Zealand, it’s been a couple of long, locked-down months, but the Stationeers team is back and bouncing out an update for you powerheads and balance boffins
Enjoy the improvements to our power system, new tech, architectural additions, furious fixes, tweaks and more, knowing that Stationeers is preparing the ground for surprises in updates soon to come ...

Power On Try out the Omni-directional power transmitter – a wireless battery charger that uses special cells with a lower capacity than regular batteries. Even supertech has its downsides, right?

There’s a line of new doors for base building. Improve your interiors with these attractive portals, as... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

27 Aug

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.