
Temtem Dev Tracker

25 May

    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

There's going to be a pre-order store in June (no exact date yet) where you will be able to buy the game and get instant access to the alpha as a bonus.

19 May

    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Just for reference, there are over 250 unique dialogues just on the first island alone (the content available right now on the Alpha) and this kind of references are not something common or recurrent.

23 Apr

    /u/xYaW on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I personally recommend you to read the full Kickstarter campaign and all the updates we've made so far. They're full of data.

29 Nov


Please make sure you did these steps first:

- You backed the game with at least 30 $. If not, you didn't buy access to the alpha. You can receive more info about the badge you bought in our Kickstarter

- You confirmed your mail. If not, we can't send you a key to that mail. 

- You checked your spam inbox. If you didn't add [...

Read more External link →

28 Nov

23 Nov


Not anymore. Temtem backerkit shop was already closed. You will have to wait until Early Access, or participate in our official giveaway https://twitter.com/PlayTemtem/status/1065409834206535680


We are very excited to announce this! Welcome everyone to our new forums.

This will be the main place to report alpha bugs :D

Click here to take a peek

External link →

14 Nov


Sometimes in our Discord, some users do Alpha key Giveaways. You can try to win one Discord.gg/temtem


Welcome! And thank you very much!

10 Nov


Originally posted by Christakos_P

By the way, what is a CM?

Community Manager :)

08 Nov


Originally posted by Christakos_P

I absolutely adore 90% of the designs that have been revealed, but I guess Umishi and Ukama are the most special designs, they are among the top cutest and they look really cool at the same time. Talent!

They are definitely special


As a welcome to everyone new, I am Alexor and I'm the CM of Temtem. If you join our Discord you will see me as a pretty cactuar :^)

We wanted to ask you, what's your favourite Temtem? You can check our ...

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Originally posted by Kniving777

I backed for 2 games, since my friend also wanted it. Does he get the alpha aswell? Or only 1 alpha?

If you backed for two alphas, you will get both in the mail you gave us

06 Nov


Originally posted by Hett1138

Just wondering. If I backed the game, what do I need to do to make sure I can play in the alpha?

As they said, you had to complete a survey. I recommend you to go to our Discord.gg/temtem if you have any doubts, since we have such an active community of supportive people :)