

23 May


Originally posted by KaaamiDieDreggSau

I did not want to sound harsh. Sorry if it sounded like it.

That whole "shuffler adjust to bo1" topic feels like the mental damage, when someone is milling your library.

I hope you can relate smh.

Not harsh at all; I thought it was hilarious


Originally posted by KaaamiDieDreggSau

Hi Jay

I hate the Shuffler and matchmaking.

otherwise great work.

Thanks for the feedback! We keep trying to adjust the matchmaking to give everyone the 80% winrates we know they deserve, but no matter what we try the average winrate seems stuck at 50%. We'll keep at it!


Maintenance is now over; you are free to resume your normal Magic-ing


Hey, we've heard the feedback. We're going to be opening up a Timeless queue as well.


There's the cute little Oozewagg!


Originally posted by Dualmonkey

Looks like it's finally fixed now. Thanks for your help and communication!

Great to hear! Thanks for letting us know.

22 May


Originally posted by PixelPox11

Hey Jay
Sadly it still doesn't work (at least for me). All other purchases in the shop are okay, but pre-orders for mh3 are bricked

Grr. Thanks. We'll keep trying to figure out what's up.


We've got full details coming in an article on May 28th, but it's basically a way for players excited about MH3 to get more goodies (packs, cards, styles, avatars, etc.) as they play. If you're thinking about Prize Walls from a Magic Fest or con, that's the right general idea


Originally posted by ATH733

I'm also getting trouble with the new bundles today. I can open the steam interface when trying to buy other bundles like the fallout ones or gems, only fails on the MH3 ones. Maybe you can try to buy those (not actually buying) to see if it's the same for you. My guess is that our poor programmer forgot to update some codes related to steam.

We think this is fixed; please try again


Edit: We believe this is fixed now; please try again!

Thanks for the report; we're seeing the same thing and working to understand what's going on.

21 May


Originally posted by CatsAndPlanets

Ok, sorry, but I'll have to ask again. These are supposed to show up just in limited packs and not in store packs, right?

Special Guests from MH3 will show up in MH3 store packs as well as draft/sealed packs (both at the same rate as in tabletop play boosters)


Like Shadows Over Innistrad or Khans of Tarkir, MH3 packs count for Golden Packs progress, but MH3 will not appear in Golden Packs

20 May


Looks like something got confused with your assets, swapping hearts for mana symbols.
If it lasts past a re-open, Options -> Report Bug -> Validate Bundles should fix it


Originally posted by AurionOfLegend

So do they go live tomorrow? Or will we have to wait for MH3 to play them?


16 May


Something has likely gone wrong with your asset bundles. Try going to Options -> Report Bug -> Validate Bundles

15 May


Thanks for the report; we're looking into it. Based on our investigations, it appears to be caused by having the same card in the Bo1 and Bo3 sideboards for the deck, and having those cards in particular positions in those sideboards. So it will likely seem fairly random in which decks it's affecting. Recreating the deck exactly would hit the bug again, but rebuilding it with the Bo1 sideboard in a different order should work. We apologize for the inconvenience here.

09 May


Originally posted by HamBoneRaces

Hi u/WotC_Jay ! I noticed since the Deals were late in being posted on 5/8, the Deals for 5/9 aren't scheduled to be posted for another hour from the usual time (11 EST is when they usually go up, but now it's 12 EST).

Will this be the way it is going forward for when the Deals become available each day or is this just a temporary hiccup? Thank you for any clarification!

EDIT: Well 12 EST has rolled around and now the Deals are just locked.

There's no intent to change things here. I'm not sure why things waited until noon yesterday (pacific time), and I'm not sure what's going on today. We're looking into it, and I apologize for the chaos it must be causing for your noble work

01 May


Originally posted by gambitreaper

Can be disregarded now tested it again and it worked normally this time, have no idea why it didn't previously

Hey, thanks for doing that extra test and getting back to us!


Originally posted by gambitreaper

I find it amusing for some reason whilst Mythweaver Poq is a Commander for me Cavern of Souls only recognizes him as a Shaman, while he's a normal card in the deck he gets seen as a cat. So I always have to choose Shaman with it when I play him with him as my Commander

Thanks for the report; I've passed that on as well.

Just to clarify, the list collects up a set of likely types (based on your deck), but you can write in any type you want (like cat). I bet that list collection just looks at your 99 in Brawl, not the commander as well.


Originally posted by HangBodohHa

I can't actually change to that style either, clicking the heart icon doesn't do anything.
Lmk if you need any more information. Cheerios

Ok, we tracked this down, and it was broken depth art. Will take a little bit to get fixed, but soon your Wylie Duke will ride again!