Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

26 Mar

A couple of weeks ago we somewhat unceremoniously challenged you to complete the Event Level: ‘A Quiet Drink’ 100,000+ times.

We crunched the numbers yesterday (sorry for the lack of counter, we’re figuring out how to provide a live feed for future, similar such events), and you well and truly smashed the goal!

When you next login you will be granted the event’s special portrait frame as pictured above. The only requirement for eligibility is that you must’ve had your account created before today - being a part of the first year of Vermintide 2.

Thank you again for a fantastic year and sticking with us on this journey - here's to the future!

*raises drink*


14 Mar

We just put live hotfix
  • Fixed an uncommon Engine crash

Today we've put out which we hope bypasses the crash players are experiencing on the event level 'A Quiet Drink'. This will also include expanded logging for the specific cause of crash so we can get a better understanding of the exact cause of the problem.

You might ask "Why don't you play the level yourselves and work it out like that?" - well we have played the level a whole bunch of times (of course!) and it's never resulted in the crash some of you are experiencing. So this way we can at least get a deeper look in to the particulars that lead to this eventuality.

The fix in place in this patch should hopefully allow the game to continue running for those who meet the trouble... Read more

12 Mar

Today we've put out which addresses a few issues introduced in patch 1.6 - The Anniversary Update:

  • Fixed one case which could lead to a crash in the 'Obese Megalodon' on the event level 'A Quiet Drink'.
  • Changed the quest 'No Bottle Left Unemptied' so that it requires a total of 99 ales to be drunk, across all sessions. The quest tracks all party members, so if the host drinks 20 ales and each client drinks 20 ales, the total tracked progress would be 80 ales for each player's quest progress. Prior to this patch, should a player have drunk 99 ales or more, the quest should auto-complete upon logging in once more during the event.
  • Fixed erroneous rain sound effects heard whilst playing 'A Quiet Drink'.
  • Fixed a floating candle on 'A Quiet Drink'.

EDIT: Unfortunately, it seems we didn't catch all instances of the crash. We're actively investigating, but not been able... Read more

08 Mar

Welcome to patch 1.6. Today we celebrate exactly 1 year since the release of Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - and to help lubricate the celebrations we're rolling out a new Event Level - 'A Quiet Drink', and with it a sweet new set of Portrait Frames that are up for grabs for a limited time only!

Thank you SO much for joining us in this adventure over the past 12 months. We hope you enjoy the anniversary celebrations in the form of this special event level and portrait frames. We can't wait to continue the journey with you all with Winds of Magic coming this summer and everything we have in store there and beyond.

Big love from the Fatshark Tank

... Read more

06 Mar


We've just put out a patch for the 1.6 BETA.
  • Fixed crash that could occur on levels when clients interacted with level objects.
  • Fixed crash that could occur when joining someone on the defaul game from the beta.
  • Fixed issue with not being able to apply illusions.
  • Fixed issue with only one player being able to pickup ravaged art scraps.

02 Mar


Welcome to Patch 1.6 BETA - bringing you a host of fixes and a few adjustments. We're putting this out for beta this weekend with the hopes we can identify any problematic mods as well general stability ahead of a full release next week.

This patch lays the groundwork for the Anniversary update coming later, stay tuned on March 8th for that!

To access the 5GB beta patch:
  • Right-click Warhammer: Vermintide 2 in your game list.
  • Select properties.
  • Go to the 'Betas' tab and enter the password:
  • Select 1.6_BETA from the dropdown.

Progress will be kept between the beta and live versions of the game.

Switching between BETA and LIVE will result in an additional download each time, but your progress will persist between both versions.

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28 Feb


We're incredibly excited to announce the first expansion for Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - introducing a brand new enemy faction and new challenges to the game.

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19 Feb


Patch 1.5 went live yesterday and today we're plugging some holes.

22 Feb - Hotfix -
  • HUD scale can now be decreased down to 50% of the actual size (down from 70%).
  • All HUD-components are now effected by the HUD scaling.
  • Fixed an issue where players could select hero skins for salvage.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when a Chaos Spawn despawned (was killed in Event mode) while grabbing a player
  • Fixed Twitch mode HUD not appearing for clients

20 Feb - Hotfix -
  • Kerillian's Glaive - moved the block input up in priority plus added a short block cancel-window at the start of each light sweep which should enable players to cancel out reliably. This should stop cases where the glaive did a light attack instead of blocking, in the case where block input is held.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash if g...
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18 Feb


Welcome to Patch 1.5 - bringing you two new features and of course some fixes and tweaks.

Introducing the new Weekly Events! We hinted at these live on our Fatshark Stream a few weeks ago and we're pleased to bring you the first set of Weekly Events with this update. Think of these like Mutators that shake up the gameplay and add new interesting twists to the Vermintide experience you know and love.

This update also introduces the long awaited chance to populate the Picture Frames found on the walls of your Keep. You can start accessioning your collection of fine works as of today. Details on how the current batch of available art is acquired can be found in the patch notes that follow.

We'd also love it if you could spent a couple of minutes with our ... Read more

25 Jan

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
Live Broadcast: Fatshark Talks - AI Programmer Ramblings - going live now! https://www.twitch.tv/fatsharkgames

19 Dec

"It is a time of darkness and despair.
When flakes of snow tumble through the air.
The wolves' howls will give you no rest.
As you show off your sweet rewards from these Mondstille quests."

It is time for 1.4.1 - update #44 - bringing you a couple of winter season event quests & rewards to keep for ever more. These event quests will run until Wednesday, Jan 9 - there's plenty of time to get these new animated Portrait Frames, so go and get in line.

We are also running a Double XP Weekend, from Friday, Dec 21 19:00 CET to Tuesday, Dec 25 19:00 CET.

Known Issue(s):
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13 Dec

The third wave of sanctioned mods is here - this time the total is up to 14 mods, and they are live now!
Originally posted by Robin Hagblom, Fatshark Technical Director: "We have again taken the highest rated applied mods from the workshop and reviewed them for Sanctioned status. This time we have the largest wave yet with a grand total of 14 new mods for use in the Official Realm! Among them the long-awaited ‘Bot Improvements – Combat’ mod that finally has made all necessary adjustments to be viable for Sanctioning.

Enough with the blathering, time to let the new mods do the talking…

Creator: prop joe
... Read more

11 Dec

Patch has just gone live addressing some issues that arose with Patch 1.4 'Back to Ubersreik' as well as some balance tweaks and localisation fixes. The notes are below:

  • Various localization fixes to Simplified Chinese, Polish, and English languages.

  • Kruber's Sword and Mace: These weapons should feel, and play nicer now that we've correctly configured settings for hit-impact sounds, hit-stop animations, precision sweeps and impact vectors. We've switched the heavy attack damage templates to the heavy one-handed versions. These weapons should now count and proc like heavy attacks while also increasing damage output by a lot - specifically against armor.
  • Saltzpyre's Axe and Falchion: We've updated hit-impact sounds to pla...
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10 Dec

Heroes, welcome Back to Ubersreik!
Our second DLC brings with it version 1.4, update #43. Which includes plenty of bug fixes and tweaks, three new missions and five new weapons for players who own Back to Ubersreik.

https://store.steampowered.com/app/975400/Warhammer_Vermintide_... Read more

19 Nov

This is the release of the Big Balance Beta in to the live game - officially known as Patch 1.3 - update #42.

When it comes to Balance, the job is never really done, so our focus for this patch was to make some broad adjustments to underused weapons, change up the level 20 talent row and shifting Temporary Hit Points to be more of a moment to moment benefit rather than a more enduring crutch. We've also made effort to shuffle the meta and bring THP away from ranged gameplay and reward melee combat instead.

We’re not done in terms of balance, but we’re happier with where the game is right in 1.3, and as always we welcome your feedback here, or in any of our social channels.

... Read more

16 Nov

This is the Release Candidate for the Big Balance Beta. It will stay live for the weekend and provided nothing outlandish happens or is noted we plan on putting it live early next week.

When it comes to Balance, the job is never really done, so our focus for the Balance Beta was to make some broad adjustments to:
  • Under utilised weapons, such as Shield Weapons and Brace of Pistols (etc).
  • Put Temporary Hit Points in a place where they're useful for the fight you're in, and not a crutch that persists throughout a run.
  • Bring up careers that needed some love, such as WHC and Battle Wizard (etc).
  • Adjust combat metas to encourage more melee by shifting THP away from ranged.
We're not done, but for this beta, we're happier with where the game is right now, a... Read more

12 Nov

Brace yourself, it is time to return to Ubersreik.
The second DLC for Vermintide 2, 'Back to Ubersreik', coming in December 2018.

Teaser Trailer:https://youtu.be/kQUtUhkMU3Y
Read More: http://www.vermintide.com/news/heroes-return-ubersreik/

08 Nov

We just hotfixed a couple of issues with update #3:

Hotfix #1
  • Fixed crash when using Unchaineds talent "Reckless Rampage" or Pyromancer's talent "Spark Smith" together with Flaming Sword, Hammer or Dagger.
  • Fixed the patch not having a 'content revision' within the 'settings.ini' file, making it both hard for us to identify beta specific crashes as well as causing a host of problems when trying to use mods.

Today we're putting out Update #3 for the Big Balance Beta - our ongoing test bed for shaking up the meta. You'll find the notes for this update below.

Please provide your feedback in our forums and social channels, else feel free to use our ... Read more

02 Nov

Today we're putting out Update #2 for the Big Balance Beta - our ongoing test bed for shaking up the meta. You'll find the notes for this update below.

Please provide your feedback in our forums and social channels, else feel free to use our private feedback form[docs.google.com] if you prefer to fire and forget your thoughts!

  • Spear
    • Reduced the armor penetration modifier for critical strikes from 0.5 to 0.4 on light stabs
  • 2h Sword
    • Increased heavy attac...
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29 Oct


Welcome to Patch 1.2.2 - update #41 - for Vermintide 2. Introducing Geheimnisnacht.

Geheimnisnacht is the most ill-omened night of the year, and it is marked as an important date in the Old World’s Calendar. The veil between the living and the dead is especially thin on this night, and the Winds of Magic grow stronger. Only the strong and brave dare venture out after the sun sets.

To celebrate, the sun has suitably set across Helmgart and all the maps will be illuminated by Mannslieb and Morrslieb alone, plunging once bright locales in to dimly lit landscapes of despair.

We'll have a limited time event quest on offer which rewards a new portrait frame, as well as opening up the once off-limits trophy room in Taal's Horn Keep for heroes to showcase their progressi... Read more