Originally posted by Equinox:
Originally posted by Crater Creator:
Sorry, but it's a he said/she said thing. The accuser could be telling the truth and the server admin could be full of lies, or the opposite could be true, or the truth could lie somewhere in between. Even if there's strong evidence, nobody here has the time or inclination to investigate or fact check these cases and see whether the damage to a person or server's reputation is deserved. Without some sort of adjudication, it would just end up as two opposing sides launching accusations and/or personal attacks at each other, and we just don't need that.
And if there's video proof?
Whether there is video proof or not, simply put, the server is owned by whoever is hosting it- They make the rules, they can do pretty much whatever they want so long as it's not illegal or breaking the terms of service. Proof, in this case, doesn't really matter. It's just like you in your own house, you determine if your guests can sit on the couch, or eat your food.
Provided the server and it's admin are not engaging in actual illegal things or acts which break the terms of service like selling ingame items for real money, there is nothing anyone can or will do about it, as you're basically wanting to shun someone for wanting to do whatever they like in their own house which you entered of your own volition.
In the end, Calling out these servers and admins is just a personal attack disguised as an attempt to warn others away from a similar experience to what you had, and personal attacks are against the rules anyway even before the naming and shaming rule.
And, even if we take the tack that you had video proof and it were at all actionable in spite of the above, without you providing 100% of the footage of your playtime from the very start of your first entry of the server, Anyone watching has no way of confirming that you or whoever did not do something to incite a reaction from the admins.
Just, All in all, No. It's not worth the time, or effort- Just move on and pick a new server. I get it, it sucks. People suck sometimes, And there isn't much that can be done about that when it's their own personal server to do with more or less as they please.