over 4 years
ago -
Direct link
Vehicle mods
More zombie udpates
Junk drone
Final updates and optimization to RWG mixer (hopefully)
Code optimizations for managing data loaded into RAM
Updates and optimizations for graphics and lighting
At least, that's what has been hinted at so far. Until they start the a20 Dev Diary there really isn't much information outside of what you can scrape from the developer streams, or the current a19 dev diary[community.7daystodie.com].
More zombie udpates
Junk drone
Final updates and optimization to RWG mixer (hopefully)
Code optimizations for managing data loaded into RAM
Updates and optimizations for graphics and lighting
At least, that's what has been hinted at so far. Until they start the a20 Dev Diary there really isn't much information outside of what you can scrape from the developer streams, or the current a19 dev diary[community.7daystodie.com].