about 4 years
ago -
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You're likely running out of available RAM. How much RAM does your computer have? Is your page file enabled? And what size world are you attempting to create?
Also is it hard crashing(As in, automatically closing itself without you doing anything), Or are you assuming that it crashed when it reaches a certain point in generation due to it not showing the progress bar? I believe it's the 'Generating Cities' step that omits the progress bar atm; but it's still actually processing even if it doesn't seem like it.
Also is it hard crashing(As in, automatically closing itself without you doing anything), Or are you assuming that it crashed when it reaches a certain point in generation due to it not showing the progress bar? I believe it's the 'Generating Cities' step that omits the progress bar atm; but it's still actually processing even if it doesn't seem like it.