over 5 years
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No, and they're not likely to in any substantive way. Any free roaming entity draws down on the quite limited pool of entity controllers, be it an animal, a zombie or (eventually) a Bandit.
If they implemented "farming a la Minecraft", players would quickly exhaust the pool of entity controllers, preventing the game from running (at an acceptable performance level anyway), primary enemies like Zombies and Bandits.
TFP have talked - rather speculatively though - about re-writing that controller themselves to make it more efficient, but unless and until they do, don't expect to see animal husbandry in the game.
If they implemented "farming a la Minecraft", players would quickly exhaust the pool of entity controllers, preventing the game from running (at an acceptable performance level anyway), primary enemies like Zombies and Bandits.
TFP have talked - rather speculatively though - about re-writing that controller themselves to make it more efficient, but unless and until they do, don't expect to see animal husbandry in the game.