Originally posted by Crashtian:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: Please help me get the people who make these kinds of posts learn to do research before making yet another thread that will just get lost in the forum.
We could try merging them all into one big, unsortable, unsectioned mega thread where every conversation will come to an immediate end as any thoughts get lost in pages and pages of conversation everyone else stopped reading because it's pages and pages of disjointed "same topic" posts.
Sure. And every time someone will complain "Why was my post deleted!" because they don't know how to operate the most basic features of a forum.
I did this recently with all of the "
Steam Workshop" posts. Did it help? Not really. Even pinned the thread, and people are too lazy to go look before starting another trash thread wasting space on the forum.
Truly the answer is for people to do the research, and then post into existing current threads instead of just hitting forum, and then "Create Post" every time a thought enters their head. Long gone are the days where people actually took time to look into a subject before spouting text on the internet.