about 2 hours
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Yes, bandits are just smarter zombies. Same entity and AI systems. Animals are the same. Bandits will just have more behaviors, like find cover or heal self.
Yes, bandits are just smarter zombies. Same entity and AI systems. Animals are the same. Bandits will just have more behaviors, like find cover or heal self.
Our AI is not that expensive. AI does not constantly think. There are delays built in. The most expensive part is typically the pathing, which already runs on multiple threads.
Finding cover is a good amount of processing, but that is ray casting, which is fairly cheap and could be threaded, and pathing which is already threaded.
One bandit will probably have the overall overhead of 2 or 3 zombies, so if we can run 30 zombies coming at you then 10 bandits will be fine.