about 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by ralgur: The last sales figure I saw, this game has made 200 million dollars. The devs brilliantly kept it in "alpha" even though this game is more finished than some that claim to be "done". This way, they can just say "hey, it's alpha. Things don't always work right". No pressure to make sweeping changes. they made it look easy to be millionaires.
Just imagine what the operating costs are too. Even if it is 200 million over the past decade, there are a lot of other costs and fees that you aren't accounting for.
I'm not saying TFP isn't making money, but be realistic, it's not like they were able to just pocket 200mil.

The OP looks like borderline trolling to me, so don't be surprised if the topic poofs when it continues to go sideways.
about 1 year ago - Roland - Direct link
lol…Valve gets a hefty cut of every sale and are the ones who created the early access program with no deadline requirement. Why would they have grounds to sue or even want to sue?

Just like all reasonable people who read the guidelines and terms of use for the early access program they see that TFP is using it exactly as designed and have no problem with them continuing to use it until TFP elects to leave it just like they have no qualms about developers who choose to leave it when their product is still clearly unfinished.

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