over 4 years
ago -
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Rules are simple, first, since you already own the game, you won't be able to buy the two pack. The first copy of the two pack goes to the purchaser; and if the prospective purchaser owns the game, it won't let you buy.
The second copy goes to the gift inventory and can be kept or given at a later date, iirc?
So you'd have to, for example, buy some steam wallet for your friend (or a prepaid card or something) and have him buy the two pack; as the purchaser he would get the first copy, and the second copy would be there to be given away when a third comes along.
The second copy goes to the gift inventory and can be kept or given at a later date, iirc?
So you'd have to, for example, buy some steam wallet for your friend (or a prepaid card or something) and have him buy the two pack; as the purchaser he would get the first copy, and the second copy would be there to be given away when a third comes along.