over 3 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Loot % calculations don't work very well for partial wholes. Below 50% it may not work at all.
Also remember that the loot % applies to stack sizes. If your stack size of an item is less than 1, it would be 0. So any loot below 100% is going to have an increasingly high chance of having nothing. Regardless of what the container is.
over 3 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Kommo-o: You might be better off avoiding air drops all together, They often drop far away in dangerous areas and contain nothing more than you'd find when looting a simple POI, with a very low chance (made even lower with loot abundance low) to find anything worthwhile.
They are targeted to drop only a specific distance from your player. Dropping in dangerous areas would only be relative to where you are on the map.

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