9 months
ago -
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I don't think it is anything to worry about. If the market responds well then the game will stay at $45 and TFP will have picked the right number and be justified in what they did. If the market doesn't then the price will drop until it hits the right price and remain there.
There are gamers like me who only buy games on sale or after a year or two when the regular price drops. There are other gamers who don't even think about spending $45 on a game. $45 is nothing to them and anything that can provide even an hour or two of entertainment or a single fun weekend with some friends is easily worth such a price tag.
TFP believes that this next update is going to be a significant improvement to the game and that people who have thought about buying 7 Days to Die for years will finally pull the trigger. For sure, some will balk at the $45 price tag but others won't and still others won't even think twice about picking up five copies for friends so they can all play it together for a few weekends.
There are gamers like me who only buy games on sale or after a year or two when the regular price drops. There are other gamers who don't even think about spending $45 on a game. $45 is nothing to them and anything that can provide even an hour or two of entertainment or a single fun weekend with some friends is easily worth such a price tag.
TFP believes that this next update is going to be a significant improvement to the game and that people who have thought about buying 7 Days to Die for years will finally pull the trigger. For sure, some will balk at the $45 price tag but others won't and still others won't even think twice about picking up five copies for friends so they can all play it together for a few weekends.