3 days
ago -
Crater Creator
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To Regain Experience Level
While in game, press F1 to open the console.
Enter “giveselfxp 10000”.
Repeat until you are back to your level. You can increase or decrease the number.
To Recover Lost Items
Press F1 to open the console.
Enter cm to enable the creative menu.
Press F1 to close the console.
Press U to open the creative menu.
In the creative menu, search for whatever you lost and then transfer it into your inventory.
To Reset Game Time
Press F1 to open the console.
Enter “st day hour minute”. For example, st 60 7 30 would yield Day 60 at 7:30 AM.
While in game, press F1 to open the console.
Enter “giveselfxp 10000”.
Repeat until you are back to your level. You can increase or decrease the number.
To Recover Lost Items
Press F1 to open the console.
Enter cm to enable the creative menu.
Press F1 to close the console.
Press U to open the creative menu.
In the creative menu, search for whatever you lost and then transfer it into your inventory.
To Reset Game Time
Press F1 to open the console.
Enter “st day hour minute”. For example, st 60 7 30 would yield Day 60 at 7:30 AM.