8 months
ago -
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Do you feel the same way about the fact that there have been people who have and continue to have access to A22/1.0, and have had that access for months now? By which I'm referring to volunteer and hired testers.
Do you feel the same way about the fact that trusted close friends and family of the "The Fun Pimps" staff have surely had access to it for as long as the testers?
Would you feel the same if it was a Paid promotion of theirs, where they sent keys to a bunch of random journalists and had Paid them to post 72 hours of mixed review/gameplay footage on Friday?
It's not discrimination. Anyone was (and iirc still is) welcome to apply for streamer weekend access as a streamer. The requirements of that application are fairly applied to all applicants. ANY qualifying individual, regardless of who they are, how narrowly they pass the requirements, gender, race, age, disability status, etc, Are accepted. Just like any job; You meet the qualifications, you get hired. You don't, You don't.
What it IS, is a business decision. Streamers provide a business benefit, And in return, TFP 'pays' the streamers in the form of a few days of early access to the version being released; Enabling those streamers to capitalize on the pent up hype of 7DTD's fan base. Streamers get a few days of a great deal of focus on their channel, boosting their metrics and potentially bringing in donations and subscriptions from excited viewers, TFP saves money by not having to spend untold millions to advertising agencies and marketing firms. TFP also gets the benefit of having millions of eyes to catch things that go unseen under a testers eyes, and of getting the game tested out on a variety of software/hardware configurations. All in all, It's win/win/win for the business on both sides (Streamers and TFP).
Further, No one is actually Harmed by not receiving access a few days early. It does no actual harm to you, nor to anyone else to not receive the version 3 days early the way a group of, essentially, hired actors does. You might be disappointed that you can't do it on the weekend, But there's no reason you can't just do it next weekend. It's not a competitive game or an MMO where not being there on day 1 on the bleeding edge will set you back- It's a SP/Coop game where you can start your playthrough at any time.
And the date the public at large would receive access on is the same whether TFP does the streamer weekend or not. Public access WILL be on a monday, streamer weekend or not. Streamers, as part of the business trade, get it Early to show it off, and nothing more.
Do you feel the same way about the fact that trusted close friends and family of the "The Fun Pimps" staff have surely had access to it for as long as the testers?
Would you feel the same if it was a Paid promotion of theirs, where they sent keys to a bunch of random journalists and had Paid them to post 72 hours of mixed review/gameplay footage on Friday?
It's not discrimination. Anyone was (and iirc still is) welcome to apply for streamer weekend access as a streamer. The requirements of that application are fairly applied to all applicants. ANY qualifying individual, regardless of who they are, how narrowly they pass the requirements, gender, race, age, disability status, etc, Are accepted. Just like any job; You meet the qualifications, you get hired. You don't, You don't.
What it IS, is a business decision. Streamers provide a business benefit, And in return, TFP 'pays' the streamers in the form of a few days of early access to the version being released; Enabling those streamers to capitalize on the pent up hype of 7DTD's fan base. Streamers get a few days of a great deal of focus on their channel, boosting their metrics and potentially bringing in donations and subscriptions from excited viewers, TFP saves money by not having to spend untold millions to advertising agencies and marketing firms. TFP also gets the benefit of having millions of eyes to catch things that go unseen under a testers eyes, and of getting the game tested out on a variety of software/hardware configurations. All in all, It's win/win/win for the business on both sides (Streamers and TFP).
Further, No one is actually Harmed by not receiving access a few days early. It does no actual harm to you, nor to anyone else to not receive the version 3 days early the way a group of, essentially, hired actors does. You might be disappointed that you can't do it on the weekend, But there's no reason you can't just do it next weekend. It's not a competitive game or an MMO where not being there on day 1 on the bleeding edge will set you back- It's a SP/Coop game where you can start your playthrough at any time.
And the date the public at large would receive access on is the same whether TFP does the streamer weekend or not. Public access WILL be on a monday, streamer weekend or not. Streamers, as part of the business trade, get it Early to show it off, and nothing more.