over 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by CellNav:
Originally posted by TheMilkman™: Any plans to make dying have a bigger threat then just a small xp hit that can be fixed rather quickly?

My only suggestion is to mod in permanent injuries. Whatever injuries you have at the time of death get removed and replaced with a permanent injury.

Example would be a broken limb ; After death, the limb heals but the player takes a permanent mobility hit, the amount of the hit depends on how much the limb healed before death.

Example of an abrasion ; The abrasion heals and leaves a permanent scar. That scar or scab increases the likely hood of getting another abrasion (opens the old wound).

Dying while infected would be the tricky one but could be the caveat of physical wounds. The player could begin (with a chance at each death) to slowly become immune to being infected. The mechanic would not be absolute and there wouldn't be any indication of building an immunity. The lore would be that the infection mutates, so basically the immunity would wear off over time and not be overpowered.

Stuff like that ... :)
This is a good idea.

Personally I think it would be more viable if most of the injuries remained after death, and were not cleanly removed. In fact, resetting or increasing the duration of them after a death makes perfect sense. Then it's not so much that you "died", but you were critically wounded.

I think I'll have some fun writing mods tomorrow instead of playing.

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